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Posts posted by bruisedk7

  1. that is fine, i will wait 30 days, but serisouly, get a grip, i only asked out of respect and wasnt about to clutter up the board with 50 meaningless posts just to hit your criteria. you act like I asked to bang your lil sister, get a life dude, jesus h christ.

    doesnt sound like he to interested in getting to know anybody

  2. hey i keep getting something that pops up on my computer that says i can download that bb messanger 5.0 but everytime i click on it it says there is an error. any ideas or is this somethin i really need to download at all

  3. Well I would say you started the analogy right but the delivery was wrong.

    It's like eating unhealthy for 8 years and realzing you need a triple bypass and instead eating a fried donut burger every day for 9 months followed up by a 3 day pancake bender at Ihop and a night cap for fourth meal at TacoBell and convincing yourself that the self induced colitis will flush out all the "bad stuff" from your system.


    thanks alot now i'm hungry

  4. Congrats...You are going love spoiling your little girl. I love spoiling mine.

    i'm looking forward to it. my wife gets most the attention and affection from the boys so i'm looking forward to somebody who runs and gives me hugs first

  5. well as the title suggest my wife is pregnant with our 3rd child. just had our ultrasound and found out we will be having our 1st girl in febuary. i was hoping for another boy but my wife and the boys both wanted a girl and proceeded to rub it in my face as soon as we found out lol

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