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Posts posted by DGTL GRL

  1. My only issue with Directv was the install. The inexperienced contracted (later fired) put his leg through my ceiling in two places.

    Otherwise- I love my DIRECTV.

    Hey, they have a refer a friend $100 to you, $100 to me offer. If you want we can help each other out and do that. PM me if you want to do that.



  2. The owner of this almost stolen bike and several others here on this forum may be okay with leaving your key in your bike but I sure wouldn't.

    Hell, when I ride over to my neighbors house I take my key with me as I know they may want to joy ride my Honda around their yard almost 'making fun' since they are big bad Harley riders.

    Last weekend I found that instinct to remove my key to be a good one when I went in my neighbors house and some of them were outside drinking early morning beers.

    I looked out the window and said to my husband someone has fucked with my bike cause my helmet has been moved.

    When I came outside they asked why I took my key and said they were going to take it for a ride.


    I like my neighbors and know they wouldnt destroy my bike.. but you never know who might not not be so nice.

  3. I was at work. Filling out paperwork for a Apple Dispatch when my husband called me. He was unemployed at the time. He mentioned something about a plane hitting the World Trade Center. At the time we thought maybe someone couldnt fly a plane and that's what happened.

    Then we turned on the radio and the details started to unfold.

    When I first learned that it was intentional, hijacked, and there were innocent people on board I just kept on thinking about those poor people on the plane.

    I wasn't really thinking about the innocent people in the towers.

    My work had me run out a Printer Drum Kit to a small business. I was in my car listening to Howard Stern (back when he was on regular radio) giving the details on what was going on. You could tell the other people in cars on the road during that time were also driving erratically panicked and listening to their radios.

    I was in my car trying desperately to find this small business to drop off their printer part when I learned of the first tower collapsing.

    I finally found that small business. When I went in they were all huddled around a tv. They informed me that they were concerned as their boss was in NY at that time. She was safe. But unable to get back.

    I left that business never once looking at the tv screen.

    On my way back to my office I was informed over the radio that the 2nd tower has now fallen. I remember saying "OH MY GOD!" knowing we were under attack for certain now as if it wasn't clear enough before.

    I got back to my work and went on CNN. I didnt watch any video. But the site was getting slammed pretty hard I could tell. Took a while to load the images. I saw the pictures of the inflamed towers before they fell.

    We stayed the full work day.

    I got home and THAT is the first time I saw the video of the planes hitting the towers. I busted into tears and my husband was shocked that this was the first time I saw it. He comforted me.

    Then we like others were taking both our cars to the gas stations to fill up. A couple of hours waiting for overpriced fuel (CHEAPER THEN IT IS NOW!!!!!!) and we were back home for the evening.

    NEVER will I forget. NEVER NEVER NEVER!!!!!!!!

  4. :riding:

    Saw this on Facebook. We're going. Anyone else?

    Come ride with the owners and employees of C&A Harley-Davidson to Hilliard Hooter's Last Bike Night! We will be pulling out of C&A parking lot this friday at 6:15pm. For a fun evening of bikes, bikers, $100 visa gift card drawing, C&A jacket drawing, Jokers Stroke will be playing live, and tons more!!!! Hope to see you there!

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