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Everything posted by alab32

  1. I tried to post this earlier from my phone but it didnt work... Ha ha ha ha ha... that was AWESOME!!!! That looks like something I would do. Something I have thought about doing in the past actually. ha ha
  2. alab32

    KY ride???

    Nope... don't know the route but I'm sure someone will by the time the ride comes... lol.
  3. This is totally something I would so. Awesome!!!
  4. alab32

    KY ride???

    I have family coming down on the 21st from ny so I would prefer to make this a morning ride. I will update the original post with the date and if I could get a head count to post up that would be great as well. So please post again stating if you are coming on the 21st for confirmation! Thanks everyone!
  5. alab32

    KY ride???

    Well... I can take that I guess. ha ha
  6. alab32

    KY ride???

    Hey thanks! Now where is my .1% miss? Ha ha
  7. alab32

    KY ride???

    So is that 10-19-165-62-1504-62-19-539-22-25-to somehow onto 75/71? I just scowled all over the map to try to get these numbers... that seems like an awful lot of roads so I am not sure if I got it right but... trying.
  8. alab32

    KY ride???

    Wow... end of May huh? Little farther out than I was thinking but hey, it gets e down there! Ha ha. I have only been there once so I have no idea how to get there so if, like Hutch mentioned, someone could get that route together that would be great! I look forward to this again!!!!! And Chevy, I know how to get to KY you bit idiot... I do not know how to get down the route around there. Maybe you should come out too and I can show you up again? Sound good? See you there fig bella!
  9. alab32

    KY ride???

    Edit: May 21st will be the ride to ky. Be sure to post up if you are coming and i will add your name to the list. Members coming: Meeeeee
  10. Hmmmm... I may have to try to convince the wife of this one.
  11. My picture is not showing up on this comp... it did on the other one. I guess I need to edit this. Grrrr....
  12. Jealousy sucks doesnt it? You know you want that 845i right there!
  13. Well... some good weather is here! Anyone up for that KY trip??? ohdaho???
  14. Im trying to convince my buddy to buy this for his first bike... he is driving me nuts! Ha ha.
  15. Sweet! Thank you and I have passed this along to a friend.
  16. Sending this along to a friend...
  17. This still around? I have a friend looking for a bike. Thanks!
  18. I have a buddy looking for a bike... is this sold now? The link has been deleted.
  19. Oldie but a goodie... You know what makes a girl go from "aaah" to "mmmm??" Duct tape.
  20. I think if you look closely he jumps over the wall. you have to look in between the two big flames in the front and rear. Crazy!
  21. Same thing I thought when I saw it... WOW!!!
  22. Here is a good compilation of some old race car crashes. Thank God technology has gotten a whole lot better since http://vimeo.com/20247765 days.
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