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Everything posted by djisle

  1. well i know nothing about the braking system i can bleed it and add fluid but knowig my luck i'll mess something up
  2. and how am i gonna transport beer...never mind backpack
  3. when can u do it i wish i had the fluid tonight
  4. I'm gonna make an appointment to get it in to a shop asap prolly by friday
  5. do i have to bleed the lines after adding it
  6. yeah a chick owned it before i did so what kind of brake fluid do i use
  7. there's no fluid in brake resivoir
  8. what do u mean lever position
  9. the brake handle has a wheel with a numbers 1-6 i think on an 06 zxr ninja what is it for...and how do i add more brake i have to pull the brake hqandle almost 3/4 of the way back to get the front bakes to engage is that normal for this bike????
  10. well ride ur bike down here or up here
  11. yeah i'lll find out i got firends in cpd and highway patrol
  12. well if no one wants to ride we're not gonna go:(
  13. well not literally anyone wanna just cruise tonight for awhile all are welcome....can meet newhere and cruise to where ever...just wanna ride with some people
  14. anyone up for a midnight ride....,me and my girl wanna ride with a group not ready to call it a night yet
  15. no problem gsxrgirl i'm the one with girlfriend that came along we sat with u and rc51john
  16. sounds like a blast if i din't have the poker run i'd say count me in
  17. Circut city hell yeah.....got my girl comming rolling on my beautiful ninja.....hell yes
  18. i'[m there sounds fun as hell...can i bring my woman........she's only 19:(
  19. nope no date...just hate riding by myself
  20. fourth of july parade count me in where do i meet up and who do i talk to
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