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About Quicksilver_k6

  • Birthday 03/14/1978

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  • Location
    Cuyahoga Falls
  • Vehicles(s)
    2006 Suzuki GSXR 1000

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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. So I just had my first child born June 22 and havent been on the the bike since then. My wife gave me a pass for thursday to ride. Anybody interested in joining me? I will probably head south of canton and hit some twistie roads. I will be heading out in the late morning/early afternoon. I dont care if you are a new or seasoned rider. I just want to get out and ride. So post up if interested and we will figure a spot to meet. I will check this site again prob around 9am.
  2. I taught my wife to ride. I started out teaching her how to drive a manual shift car to get the feel for a clutch. We then purchased a Kawasaki 250. I took her to a big parkinglot and showed her the controls and how to turn. We spent most of the time in second gear cause of the engine brake from first gear. We did this every oppourtunity we had (A lot of patience is needed) and she eventually started riding the side streets around our house. after riding for awhile she signed up for the MSF. She pased that and got her liscense. She then got a job at a local motorcycle shop and did her first track day on a Ducati monster 620. She loved it. We then traded in her 250 and bought a 2006 Kawasaki ZX6R. She did another track day on her new bike and was draging her knee by the end of the day. I am so proud (wipes tear away from eyes). She accomplished all this after saying " I will never get on one of those bikes" talking about my ZX7 at the time. Now she is pregnant and hasnt ridden in like 9 months and misses it terribly. Every time I go on a ride I have to tell her it sucked so she wont be to upset. Anyways just remember. PATIENCE is the key. and take a riders school.
  3. Yeah wyoga is not that far at all we are gonna have to meet and ride sometime
  4. Pauly whats up. Hey you think I could join kathys ride tommorrow even though i dont have full leathers?
  5. I live off of hudson drive what about you
  6. Whats up everyone. My name is Jay. I have been riding awhile. I usually ride with another group C.0.R.E. I see alot of posts there referencing this site so here I am.
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