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Das Borgen

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Everything posted by Das Borgen

  1. which cinema has it in columbus? (or anywhere else in OH?) when does it open? edit: doh ohio doesn t get it) http://www.motorauthority.com/news/1063493_u-s-dates-cities-and-theaters-for-senna-biopic-announced Dates, cities and venues are as follows: August 12 Los Angeles, CA: Landmark Theater New York, NY: Landmark Sunshine Cinema August 19 Austin, TX: Violet Crown Cinema Berkeley, CA Landmark Shattuck Cinemas Cambridge, MA: Landmark Kendall Square Cinema Chicago, IL: Landmark Century Centre Cinema Dallas, TX: Angelika Dallas Film Center Detroit, MI: Landmark Main Art Theater Miami, FL: AMC Sunset Place 24 Nashville, TN: Belcourt Theater Philadelphia, PA: Landmark Ritz at the Bourse San Francisco, CA: Landmark Embarcadero Center Cinema Washington, D.C.: Landmark E Street Cinema August 26 Atlanta, GA: Landmark Midtown Art Cinema Denver, CO: Landmark Chez Artiste Minneapolis, MN: Landmark Lagoon Cinema Palm Springs, CA: Cinemas Palme d’Or Palo Alto, CA: Location TBD Portland, OR: Regal Fox Tower Stadium San Diego, CA: Landmark Ken Cinema Seattle, WA: Landmark Varsity Theater September 2 Charlotte, NC: Park Terrace Indianapolis, IN: Regal Downtown West Cinema Knoxville, TN: Landmark Keystone Art Cinema St. Louis, MO: Landmark Tivoli Theater September 23 Santa Fe, NM: UA DeVargas Mall
  2. these are from group 3/4 on Sunday the 14th . Open passing everywhere except braking areas from both HPDE3 and HPDE4. Point-bys are optional. Watch those mirrors! My best session this weekend the red miata came out much much better than it looked from his off at T13. wet session at Mid Ohio Mid Ohio is tricky in the wet, just stay off the sealer which goes from tremendous grip in the dry to complete ice in the wet with the 1st drop of rain. It's easy to tell where the sealer is when it rains, it becomes a bit shiny and the rest of the track (where grip is) looks a bit duller. You can see the differences between my lines in both videos. I did find that the Keyhole and Carousel are such slow corners, they can be taken on the dry line with enough caution. I applied this more in the later session I'll have photos eventually?:megusta:
  3. what is this prodeal? can you elaborate?
  4. http://3.media.collegehumor.cvcdn.com/52/81/efd9281b5fd5c2e18dd224fffb7f6200.jpg
  5. http://chzragecomics.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/rage-comics-harry-potter-then-and-now.jpg
  6. http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/comment/12/2011/08/dc31c9d9ece2d08e1d87dcb37b963381/original.jpg
  7. the new ContourGPS is a much better product than the ContourHD but the Contour+ is just :megusta::megusta::megusta::megusta:
  8. i can get em for 180 new /hatersgonnahate
  9. T70...wow..............well, I suppose that s no weirder than my drain plug being a 14mm square
  10. http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/comment/12/2011/08/c075ec3ef6562243c89aace0d27eb0b8/original.jpg
  11. They did. I thought that was pretty desperate of them
  12. http://chzragecomics.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/rage-comics-thank-you-mario.jpg
  13. http://www.dailyhaha.com/_pics/mexican-olympics.jpg http://chzmemebase.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/memes-y-u-no-fatality.jpg http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/185661_1889665440114_1195825343_2287014_3103731_n.jpg http://lovelylisting.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/funny-real-estate-ooh-baby-spin-for-me.jpg http://chzmemebase.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/memes-re-posts-you-so-crazy.jpg http://artoftrolling.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/chatroulette-trolling-if-you-only-knew-the-power-of-the-dark-side.jpg
  14. you're missing the point....if it s 2am, will you wait 30mn for a car to show up? Michigan Left Turns are just as illegal as going thru red lights
  15. my guess is a bad belt also
  16. bitch he's a monster! http://www.autoexpertsbrunei.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Monster_Tajima_at_Pikes_Peak_Hill_Climb_204645_20090721_l.jpg:megusta:
  17. one of my first friends died when ejected from the passenger seat in a crash. it was his car and a non-drunk friend was driving him home......... he was 18 when this happened that's a memory i didn t need to rekindle
  18. http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_llrwddgnvF1qbjwhyo1_500.jpg
  19. http://www.geekfill.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/jmVPQ.png
  20. http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/comment/12/2011/08/b558c50ad9f96a15126cebcdc187ba16/original.jpg
  21. http://www.astronautsuicides.com/images/Astronaut_Suicides_Neil_Dacosta_01.jpg http://www.astronautsuicides.com/images/Astronaut_Suicides_Neil_Dacosta_02.jpg
  22. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lple17N9KQ1qbfm7bo1_500.jpg
  23. http://www.podpocalypse.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/J.Jonah-Jamesson-and-yao-meme-guys.jpg
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