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Das Borgen

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Everything posted by Das Borgen

  1. Hey Joe, welcome to the site Post up some of your racing videos if you wish. I would like to check some of them out thanks again for your advice on Saturday on my Duc (I was the dude with the volunteered yellow 748)
  2. :megusta: i don t believe in God.......too many variables in that shit
  3. she didn t mess up at all it wasn t I who lost a fog light too
  4. shake my head..........i felt my intelligence die with every second I watched.........i m sad to be black now
  5. Our father, who art in heaven hallowed be thy cams thine curbing come, thine drift be done on grass or i shall see the heavens Give us this day our daily hoon, and forgive us of our sideways tendances, as we forgive those who use DRS against us lead us not into the tyre wall, and deliver us from spins For thine is the victory, the pole, and the podium. for ever and ever.....
  6. Our father, who art in heaven hallowed be thy cams thine curbing come, thine drift be done on grass or i shall see the heavens Give us this day our daily hoon, and forgive us of our sideways tendances, as we forgive those who use DRS against us lead us not into the tyre wall, and deliver us from spins For thine is the victory, the pole, and the podium. for ever and ever..... http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3533/3915303259_96c29f6321.jpg
  7. I'll race you and beat you around a road course...how bout that, OP?
  8. I suppose it s less impressive if you look at it purely from that perspective but that paving makes it more dangerous and it requires giant balls to take advantage of that paving... Caswell himself was saying he was taking a corner with an entry speed of 100mph that previously was 60mph or less.... And that was in a lowly E30M3... Imagine how fast others with more skill like Monster and the Millens (Rhys and his daddy, Rod) would be going in cars with downforce, turbos, less weight... Is that still not impressive to you? Look at Tajima's run again (watch every second) and consider the state of his car after... If that doesn t show he was driving it at 120percent, I have no idea what would convince you otherwise
  9. was it that red one with the body kit that was so low it was scraping? I know another guy with a darker red boosted one named Sean but I think the one I describe above may be the person to which you're referring TripleSkate, I feel the same way....He was taken too soon from us I love this quote from him, one of my heroes http://maxgear.yolasite.com/resources/Ayrton%20Senna%202.jpg
  10. Nobuhiro "Monster" Tajima is a beast one guy wrote about the run from Wagner's post the man is 61 years old http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/comment/12/2011/06/45e9cf2586a78fa0778643a65edc3a45/original.jpg http://media.il.edmunds-media.com/non-make/ns/ns_628105_717.jpg
  11. it s easy to judge based on appearances..........one could easily look at Jones think he's a serious man, for instance *ducks*:dumb::gabe:
  12. ignorance is bliss go look up who Bobby Regester is and then make that comment again.... aside from winning in 2007 Super Stock class at PPIHC, he has done way more than his choice of car seems ignorant http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/comment/12/2011/06/a0e4c98bc5fba3be492453088c9752fd/original.jpg that Sunfire was as much a Pontiac as Foust's TC was a Scion 2007 awesomeness
  13. Boss arent made to go in a straight line :rollseyes: :sadbanana:
  14. so bring out the Malibu...the shittier the car, the easier tool with which it is to teach
  15. I can guide you shoot me a PM if you really want and I'll guide you (no homo)
  16. blue painter's tape works great.... Pro Tip if you're super anal, get magnets that you can cut from home vent covers frrom Home Depot..they're made to cover HVAC vents and my roommate uses them as his numbers other pro tip with painter's tape....before you put it on your car, put it on your clothes and peel it off and then apply on car. this will take away some of the strength of the tape to stick and make removal even less likely to come off with some clear coat....but painter s tape is already very very unlikely to do at full strength anyway
  17. I was gonna tell you to call TC Kline but I'm also positive they would send you to Truechoice..........maybe give some Grand Am teams a call? Doran Racing would be a good bet (Fishey on ohiobimmers works for them). TC does deal in Moton and Sachs Performance stuff though...........otherwise, give Koni a call in Kentucky Lee Grimes Koni North America 1961 International Way Hebron, KY 859-586-4100 but again, Truechoice is the best bet out there locally.........just drop in unannounced...they're in Hilliard off Cemetery/Leap Rd I believe
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