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Das Borgen

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Everything posted by Das Borgen

  1. http://img602.imageshack.us/img602/9382/cheezburgerbeer.jpg http://media.ebaumsworld.com/mediaFiles/picture/1742112/81248601.jpg
  2. http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_lgaz7tpmZQ1qgb2hyo1_1280.png?AWSAccessKeyId=0RYTHV9YYQ4W5Q3HQMG2&Expires=1297701601&Signature=%2BLt4NnQAdrHpjEFuK1a7Xoq7yfs%3D http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_kx8k8u4ls71qb1h99o1_1280.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=0RYTHV9YYQ4W5Q3HQMG2&Expires=1297701632&Signature=ISP4uUag6m13Tm66rcmZeXBrZcc%3D http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_lg6fryUE8H1qfhx8po1_1280.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=0RYTHV9YYQ4W5Q3HQMG2&Expires=1297701655&Signature=eTuqo4KnkEIOIhCI3OtwaYVzJx8%3D http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_le2k8cSu6m1qa3f2po1_1280.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=0RYTHV9YYQ4W5Q3HQMG2&Expires=1297701664&Signature=%2BvHTC8zxo3JRoUrlhqoAS1fVX8M%3D http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lgj7vqmXur1qgb2hyo1_500.png http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lgf2j8CMYU1qgb2hyo1_400.png http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lgbn01oeqg1qgb2hyo1_500.png http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lfkezir5Ra1qgb2hyo1_500.jpg http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lfkaajmbrc1qgb2hyo1_500.png
  3. http://fastcache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/39/2011/02/009-twice-shy-shave.jpg
  4. http://tosh.comedycentral.com/blog/files/2010/12/back-scratcher.jpg http://4gifs.com/gallery/d/146427-1/Controller_Tshirt.jpg? http://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/14410_008.gif oh Dubai http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5017/5429747757_b402d1c6ce_b.jpg http://tosh.comedycentral.com/blog/files/2011/01/down-in-history.jpg http://tosh.comedycentral.com/blog/files/2011/01/penis-bread.jpg
  5. me 2 I really hope a US distributor surfaces
  6. hope he pulls through..it won t be easy. he s out for the whole season at least
  7. Codrivers' recount of the crash so far we know his hand that was partially severed was reattached and he's moving it as well as fingers (great news). After 5 days it will be telling of long term recovery since the vascular system could act up from 5-7 days on. He's up from his induced coma http://en.espnf1.com/f1/motorsport/story/40203.html
  8. http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/comment/12/2011/02/4b2efa012df568e624c5d267997cf722/original.gif
  9. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lg69d1Wmk41qfpb5bo1_500.gif
  10. GT5 is a shit ton of fun if you play online recently, I've been playing a "spec miata" league for fun with the roadraceautox.com forum and it s a blast....same cars, same mods, all fun and punting and physical racing
  11. ^ agreed, Draco heck, Webber finished the 2010 F1 season with an injury http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/motor-racing/webber-drove-with-broken-shoulder/story-e6frfgb6-1225966731400
  12. call of duty: black ops the online is awesome and it s awesome playing zombies game in teams
  13. Das Borgen


    I listen to that show every week and it was quite surprising actually....our money has no actual physical value but we give it value and it's all that matters I also liked the Brazilian solution to counter their massive inflation story (quite genius really) anyways...kacey jordan time! http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff131/peterz40/Favorites/Black%20and%20White/Blondes/KaceyJordan.jpg
  14. call me ignorant when you answer this for me too but what will those commands achieve? (I honestly don;'t know) thanks for the answer
  15. http://www.itv-f1.com/News_Article.aspx?id=50001 First and so far only Pole in F1 it s not looking good Robert Kubica may lose his hand holy fuck! http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/comment/12/2011/02/9877a2f345fbc704029180d7e13d30c5/original.jpg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uwo7yeUPJVk I wish him a speedy recovery...he's been in the nastiest F1 I've ever seen since I've become a religious follower and he missed 1 race due to that accident
  16. this thread is full of fail
  17. ^ I'd be very surprised if that's not a repost Top Gear Mexican debacle, as seen by China peruse NMA's other videos, they're comedy gold
  18. the better question is why exactly do you think you need more than a 90amp generator?
  19. http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/comment/39/2011/02/086d46416e985dfffbd2eec163286d95/original.jpg
  20. http://static.funnyjunk.com/pictures/bacon43.jpg
  21. real sugar > corn syrup i think the US is the only place where corn syrup is the primary ingredient for sweetening soda....In other parts of the world, sugar is cheaper and is therefore used.....That explains why I don t like soda nearly as much here in the USA than back home in Haiti (we use sugar there.....from our sugar cane crops mostly)
  22. hmmm...stromung mufflers..... . I'd trade my Active Autowerke on my M3 for a Stromung in a heartbeat the TL is a better car by far than the TSX and is completely worth it. the engine is silky smooth and pretty damn reliable. The seats are also really good (I actually sit next to the front seats' engineer for that gen TL) I know someone who picked up an 03 Odyssey one time whose transmission was slipping but had not failed yet. He took it to a shop and had it reverse-drained (pressurized the system in the opposing direction of normal operation) to drain away all the residue built-up in the trans' screen (since the trans fluid filter is not replaceable) He's still driving it.....50k miles later and no slip....it's basically the same auto trans in the 04-08 TL....something to consider if you do end up having to settle for an autotragic
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