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Das Borgen

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Everything posted by Das Borgen

  1. http://4chanarchive.org/images/198306092/1266386139190.gif
  2. this 944 driver was pretty quick, but I managed to eventually outrun her http://www-personal.umich.edu/~lovelljc/MidO/NORPCA_Sept010/images/DSC01013.jpg
  3. Saturday was great. Weather held up and gave me dry track for all 4 sessions. I would have liked to do at least one in the wet but I was not so lucky . By my 2nd session, my instructor wanted to move me up to one run group faster than the slowest. I do need to work on my heel-toe technique but aside from that, I felt that my skills were really improving lap by lap Sunday More of the same with the faster run group. I had one session with a 996 Turbo and an STI where we were playing lead-follow and looking at each others' lines. It was a great learning experience overall anyway, I won t stay too long-winded some pics pitting in http://www-personal.umich.edu/~lovelljc/MidO/NORPCA_Sept010/images/DSC01103.jpg chasing a Boxster http://www-personal.umich.edu/~lovelljc/MidO/NORPCA_Sept010/images/DSC01090.jpg before the last session http://www-personal.umich.edu/~lovelljc/MidO/NORPCA_Sept010/images/DSC01479.jpg It was a great weekend to hit the track some other cars http://www-personal.umich.edu/~lovelljc/MidO/NORPCA_Sept010/images/DSC01342.jpg http://www-personal.umich.edu/~lovelljc/MidO/NORPCA_Sept010/images/DSC01348.jpg http://www-personal.umich.edu/~lovelljc/MidO/NORPCA_Sept010/images/DSC01160.jpg this dude was so quick he was replacing front pads every OTHER SESSION (worn down to the backing plate. No, I am not exaggerating) http://www-personal.umich.edu/~lovelljc/MidO/NORPCA_Sept010/images/DSC01153.jpg http://www-personal.umich.edu/~lovelljc/MidO/NORPCA_Sept010/images/DSC00997.jpg http://www-personal.umich.edu/~lovelljc/MidO/NORPCA_Sept010/images/DSC00830.jpg http://www-personal.umich.edu/~lovelljc/MidO/NORPCA_Sept010/images/DSC00703.jpg
  4. I'll be there not sure yet if I will be tracking tho
  5. http://www.beneteau235.com/images/f235_lead_keel%202.jpg
  6. OP, it s good to see you're doing better than the car sucks for the car but in the end, that s just what it is, a car and nothing more... It may sound blasphemous but in the end, you still have all your limbs and are still breathing I hope this all turns out great for you
  7. enjoy I can t imagine how much it took to make this
  8. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_9GHoR-RJLy8/TIJQInnsghI/AAAAAAAASLs/002qinhcG2I/s400/why_grammar_is_important_blameiton.jpg http://b34nz.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/1229543841060.jpg http://www.stevenhumour.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/funny-quotes-comedians.jpg http://www.masturbatoreum.com/images/558.jpg http://www.masturbatoreum.com/images/535.jpg division by zero yields this http://image.vetteweb.com/f/29109223/vemp_1007_01+1969_chevrolet_corvette+.jpg http://imgur.com/UxxWF.jpg
  9. http://www.chainbear.com/drawings/353.jpg http://mthruf.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/b717dd0d-85bd-4961-973b-660a69786e65.jpg http://www.myapokalips.com/public/cartoons/042_Zombie_Outbreak.png
  10. I still remember when my 1st dog got run over by a car............... my brother and I buried it in our yard ourselves... I was maybe 6 or 7 I'm sorry OP
  11. I would do power last tires brakes suspension cage power in that order but I digress
  12. if this is the same Jalpa, this guy lives in Central Ohio very nice fellow too http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z39/crossle_sean/DSC02343.jpg
  13. i checked it s full..... there are 73 on the waitlist
  14. OVR PCA is doing a 2-day event there next week end for $300
  15. time trials don t consist of racing but it sure is cheaper best way to make a small fortune racing is to start with a big fortune
  16. yea, you were basically hauling balls...... good stuff
  17. Allright, I'm transplanting this one from another forum. These are not all my words. Copypasta FTW. Here is the orginal thread if you need a laugh. http://forums.clubsi.com/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/4973046 Guy owns an older BMW M3. Nice enough car, I suppose. Has the usual older-BMW-syndrome (read: crap wrong with it and parts made of, as motoproponent would say, billet unobtanium). So apparently his transmission output seal starts leaking. Rather than doing the expensive thing, he wheels it into his plywood shed in the back yard and decides to try to replace the seal himself. Everything goes wrong. Rather than dropping the tranny he pulls the driveshaft and exhaust, but can't get the seal out without potentially scoring the machined seal seat. As such, he decides to do the smart thing: take it to the shop (only 200 yards away, apparently)! Only thing is, to get his car out to the street he needs to push it up a hill in the back yard, its late evening, and its damp out. So, he goes back into stupid mode. Enter one oil-cooled Suzuki, a sheet of plywood, and a sketchy piece of yellow nylon rope. I'll let the pics speak for themselves. http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w70/Beaugt/bmwguy.jpg http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w70/Beaugt/bmwguy1.jpg Now I'll be the first to admit I've done some shady wrenching in my life, but this is a bit beyond the normal 'git-r-done' style of mechanics. Note also tha the rear wheels are on backwards and secured by only two lugs. He took them off to clean them while the car was on stands, but figured that two lugs and wheels on backwards was fine for pushing it to the shop (nevermind that the shop might want to test drive it after its repaired). http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w70/Beaugt/bmwguy2.jpg he answered good for a smile and if you have ever seriously wrenched on your car you wouldve had to pull some sort of ghetto mechanic work. no doubt.
  18. 2 FP 16 Lothrop Withington IV 2003 Subaru Impreza WRX Blue 45.758 4 STU 97 Richard Verret 1997 BMW M3 silver 44.858 I win jus sayin http://www.ovr-scca.org/uploads/ax_results/2010/10_fin_2010-09-05.htm
  19. I m leary to even try this....but then again, most cars are quiet enough that with a helmet you can t hear them anyway....so I guess it s a wash I'd do only one earbud if I started to ride with muzak
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