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Posts posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. I hadn't planned to shoot them, due to the possibility of further damage . I just thought I'd get them both functional. They aren't in very good shape , the blue is rough on both of them . They both are both sloppy in the locked position. I don't want to lose and eye! ( I hear Christmas story in my head, " your going to shoot your eye out!) thanks for the input and the link for parts. Repair and preserve sounds like the hot ticket .

  2. My grandfather gave me two of these rifles. They are hamilton 27s, He gave me one of each. There is a model 027 and a model 27. The 027 had a nicer walnut stock than then 27. They originally sold for 1.50 for the 27 and 1.75 for the 027. Heres my questions.

    The 027 seems to have a broken trigger mechanism. The 27's trigger functions fine. Should I combine parts from both to make one good rifle, or should I just leave them be?




  3. So I'm not normally a gadget guy, but my wife bought me the coolest bbq gadget to date. Its a thermometer that connects to your phone via bluetooth. Its dual temp and allows you to check temps of your smoking via an app on your phone, instead of being married to the smoker, watching the thermometer.



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  4. Not that helps for the immediate, but PA CCW is easy to get if you have an Ohio CHL. I was doing work in Reading, walked in at the Sherrif's office and had a permit in 30 minutes with an apology for taking so long. Opens up several other states like GA to me.


    I spend enough time over there( west virginia) that it would certainly be worth it to stop at a sheriffs office in PA. I need to check into this more. Thank you!

  5. Your right, I misread the law. Thank you for making me double check myself. 


    Q. Is it lawful to carry weapons (e.g. rifles, shotguns, and pistols) in my vehicle when I travel in West Virginia? 

    A. Individuals who possess a valid concealed carry permit may carry a concealed handgun in a motor vehicle for purpose of self defense only. West Virginia permits anyone who can lawfully possess a handgun to carry an unconcealed handgun. If you choose to carry an unconcealed handgun in your vehicle and are stopped by a law-enforcement officer, you must understand that that the weapon will immediately attract the attention of the police officer. The presence of the weapon may lead to action by the officer to ensure his or her safety such as the drawing of his or her weapon, ordering you from the vehicle, and/or performing a pat-down search

  6. Im in, and call dibs in the usual trailer/cabin or wherever we end up at. Not sure why Fontana was a shit hole last year, it seemed the same as the year prior to me. 


    the lack of care by management, the mass amounts of exterminator trucks in the parking lot and the absurd amount of bugs through out the place. I don't want anything to do with some bed bugs. The only thing I like about fontana, is the view of the mountain range from the back patio area and the free coffee.


    The fontana camp ground sucks also, and I prefer to camp. 

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