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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. I plan to go and be Bowdogs plus one and mooch space in his camper
  2. Or Biggie, he crashes like a boss
  3. Link no work. I'll text you for pict
  4. I had a good time. Glad I decided to do a season of this.
  5. I plan on it. Whole different bike than what Im used to. Today makes the most Ive rode it.
  6. I'll see if I can get my tard somewhat street legal by then so you're not the only tard
  7. Well who's got one they wanna part with??? Better yet which one of you ate too many of Craig's cookies and just need trade for the 48 I have. We know Craig's cookies bring all the boys to the yard and those big MM cookies at MidO don't help either
  8. Yep that's what makes it hard to order one is they never fit the same. That's why I was hoping to find one local. I wear a back protector but not chest.
  9. That's how Chuck and I got together weekend before last. I came off throttle to move the right puck when he was setting up a pass. Don't want that on race day.
  10. Yep it was just a guess by the sizing charts. I'm 5'7 180 now planning on going to 170. I put it on OMRL already and was going to put it on Junkies and WERA later today. Like to get to Pony and try a few on maybe tomorrow before the track. I'm still using the 48 but it's just too big to do its job in a bad crash and if I don't shift the puck in the straights I end up dragging the knee instead of the puck. Not bad to do in practice but I don't want to fuck with it in the race.
  11. I need a smaller suit. I've not done track days or raced for a couple seasons and I've lost a bunch of weight since so I need a smaller suit. I have a black 48 M2R 2 piece. It's been down a couple times but still in great shape and passes tech. Comes with pucks but they are worn. Have maybe 2 or 3 good track days left in them. I need prob a 42 but that's a guess. Anyone want to trade, buy or sell?
  12. I figured it was a typo lol
  13. 10 miles? Now that sounds like a ride I can make! As long as its sunny and 75 with 0 chance of rain
  14. Not a single fuck was given when he came under me. Clean pass don't get me wrong I had zero issue with it, in fact I was impressed. I knew he was back there but I didn't think he had room or would even go for it and by god he did. I did a quick check over my right as I put my left knee out to see if he was wide enough for me to come out of the corner boom he came under on the left like a boss. A really little boss but still a boss
  15. I wish I would've looked at his times on the NSF because he looked a good bit faster on it. Looks can be deceiving though.
  16. He didn't take the winter off, they went south. He did MGKT as well. I refrain from telling someone how I think they can be faster when they are clearly already faster than I am. And that 55.8 he did was shortly after getting on the track and he was not being pushed. He will be faster than that on race day, he was not trying hard.
  17. That's a solvable problem. We will have you racing Sat. I have a few ideas at our "team meeting" Friday lol
  18. Wrong. There is no inspection. You simply sign a form at the bmv saying you did those things. They do not inspect. I've done this to every off road bike I've ever owned. Just did again last week to both my OMRL bikes as well. They inspect nothing, they just have you sign the paper. As for title. You go to your county court house and provide copies of the bill of sale and a statement as to why you need a title issued ie lost, mechanics lien, never been titled etc with a petition for title form and wait about 30 days. The court verifies receipt or bill of sale and vin history. If clean and valid reasoning they issue you a form to take to bmv along with a vin inspection form to get title. As long as not stolen and they find no objection from previous registered owner, if any, you will get title. Just takes 30-45 days and fees.
  19. Even better for bike going over 100. They are active balancing, so balance is always right. They reset and rebalance every time the tire stops and starts. With lead weights they only balance the time they are put on, balance changes as the tire wears so the balance is never perfect after the first time. Plus lead weights are ugly on the wheel, fling off, need to be duct taped on for track days, peel your paint off when removed, cost more to have done and if you get a lazy tire guy they probably were not balanced perfect to begin with. The beads cost about $3-$5 for enough to do the front and rear tire and you put them in yourself one time and done. As opposed to an average of $10-$15 a wheel as shops are charging around me to balance and then going in and paying again if on flys off.
  20. The Q3 is not a soft compound. They are fine. I run Q2 & 3 as well as medium compound slicks. The issue is soft compound slicks left on warmers
  21. I'm not even going to begin to critisize or try to point out what the kid is doing wrong because he's obviously not doing much wrong. He's not old enough to go to the buffet line at Golden Coral without a parent, not tall enough to ride 90% of the rides at Cedar Point or even touch the ground on an XR100 and he thru down a 55.8 without even trying. Passed me on the inside like it was his job and prob hasn't even had his first hard on yet. That kid has raw fucking talent. He doesn't need to get off the bike. Plenty of top GP guys don't get off the bike.
  22. They are fine for racing. The issue is with soft compound tires and warmers you can end up with some sticking. DOT race tires and Medium compounds no probs. Soft compounds with prolonged times in warmers on HI causes issues because the beads are not moving in the warmers and the soft compound gets sticky when hot
  23. He has put them in my tires no Gimmick they are in every tire I own. Also ran in most semi fleets and large commercial tires, dump trucks, semis etc as spin balancing them is hard and costly. I used to work for Arctic Express and they had a fleet of 500 semis, all running Equal, a different brand but same thing as Dyna Beads. All commercial truck tire shops have them and install them too
  24. That kid got a bottle and diaper change and threw down a 55.8 before nap time.
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