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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. I had a phenomenal blow job just outside the bonfire rocks and none of you drunks noticed, I hope to get that again
  2. I'll be in the shop probably around 1ish. I'll also be in Cbus for a few errands tomorrow if you need to get it earlier than what I'll be there Thursday
  3. You don't know what the Asian does for a living do you
  4. I replied in the thread. I'm at Delta Thursday 2-7, come by and you can take it for a few days and try it.

  5. The PF9 is the Keltech I like and we sell a lot of at Delta. I carry one when I'm not dressed well for carry of my G19. It's trigger pull is very nice and completely different than all the other Keltec triggers. It has been at the top of every single stack pocket 9 pistol review in the magazines due to its trigger and size. Far better than the LC, LCP and Bodyguard IMO. We have sold a ton of them with Zero complaints. Also hard to beat for the price, we have 5 more coming this week or next. The trigger is not long and not stupid heavy like many pocket pistols, its also very predictable. You can feel the reset and break. MJ you are welcome to come to the range with me and try it or if you want you can come by Delta Thursday and borrow it for a few days to take to the range on your time as long as you promise not to cap Howie with it. I don't normally loan out my guns but I would for you
  6. Dear MJ, I will look at it and you are welcome to borrow mine if you wish to play with my trigger

  7. 15/22s have not been marked up and are readily availible at retail price
  8. I'll just keep using the spray and pray method after the sun goes down
  9. Or Turnone if you want to feel like a total newb, because after the first turn you'll not see him again. dude is scary fast, no lie
  10. You know how to tell its not a good deal? I didn't snatch it up within minutes of it listing
  11. That is the same as I have now too, hum wonder why I usually haul 3 and get 15mpg with the Hemi to the Gap and back
  12. Can just send it to me and I'll get em to you or if you're coming back down to the range or to hunt I can meet up with you
  13. Yup, we'll have plenty of tickets there
  14. I use GI pro, I love having a gear display
  15. And long ass hold times, busy tones ect
  16. 1, I say not going to happen because no manufacture is going to sell to an individual or even bother with an amount that small. They sell and ship to distributors that buy by the truck load. 2, The distributors are not going to sell that quantity to an individual until they have a surplus that their dealer network is not buying up 3, #2 is not going to happen in the near foreseeable future 4, The savings won't warrant the hoops you will have to jump thru to make the deal as an individual nor the shipping hassle and that pesky watch list you'll be placed on as well as the numerous ordinances and fire codes you'll be in violation of at your residence until its all picked up and divided. Just buy your 1000 or 2000 rounds when its availible to you and be Done with it
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