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Everything posted by blue03636

  1. I may have just ordered one of these.
  2. I should be there friday-sunday, maybe roll in thursday evening
  3. That's part of the fake crap that Earl is talking about in Casper's post.
  4. Hopefully they still let me.
  5. Will be there pending weather.
  6. Me, Steve, few guys from Iowa, Adam, maybe Art.
  7. Yes it was. I wish I knew about it, I would have brought his 750 out.
  8. I think there will be a few of us there on June 5th.
  9. Get some leather conditioner. Put the gloves on and use it like hand lotion (well maybe not like some of you use hand lotion).
  10. Everyone I have ever looked at have both.
  11. Eventually. It might take a day or two.
  12. This will be me down the skyway.
  13. Did it go down like quizzing a boy about to date your daughter.
  14. I'm just trying to get through to Tim that opening day is the first day they have bikes out not whatever day he wants opening day to be.
  15. Actual opening day which is the 7th.
  16. I still prefer to know what my carry gun will do. Do I expect it to get me through 100+ rounds in a range trip, probably not but I still want to get 50+ through it to make sure it functions and I feel confident in it.
  17. Still need to shoot it enough to hit something. What good is it if you never practice with it.
  18. Shield is about the smallest I'll carry. The 380s just flat out suck to shoot. I go between the Shield and m&p compact.
  19. Something that nice you better forget how to climb.
  20. If you call them direct tell them I sent you. Craig Frantz
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