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Everything posted by blue03636

  1. Well considering we are the only bike org other than the one wera round there, you would have to get the car guys to go with this to put them in a pinch.
  2. Your decision should always be to pull out. I will let you know, I'm sure he is getting blasted with a bunch of people.
  3. I'm going to work on Todd to avoid nelsons for our first round from now on, provided the situation gets better in a month.
  4. Jester, any time man, that is what we are there for. niles, actually one on saturday and one on sunday lost a radiator.
  5. I would like to see a round or 2 at Summit point. I know Todd is talking with Nelsons about what happened, hopefully they fix it before next round and maybe we won't do round 1 there next year.
  6. Awful, everyone was off pace, I think the fastest was a 12.
  7. I agree with Ryan. This is by far the worse I have ever seen it. Brandon and I managed to have some good battles and he took first and I got second in the mini 20, had Ron manned up and passed someone he could have completed an OR podium.
  8. I have used bleach white from the auto parts store with good results.
  9. Just a heads up for everyone, Todd just hit me up and the bistro will not be open this weekend.
  10. That's why I like it since I need the ass up as much as I can get it.
  11. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&q=pirelli%20superbike%20diameter&ei=-wdjU4XfO9S3yASB64GICw&url=http://www.metricdevilmoto.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/TireInfo.pdf&cd=5&ved=0CDQQFjAE&usg=AFQjCNHDdaWHM5w33meQERAlvhkCAFEV4Q&sig2=girhZNTv4I9dCziZZ8m56A You can thank me later.
  12. Damn it Ron, find a newer list. The superbike slicks and 180/60 rear aren't listed for pirelli.
  13. Bike and most things packed, just need to toss in a few items tomorrow then hit the road. Ron and I will be there Friday, don't think either of us are riding though.
  14. I track every click and write down what the bike is doing to make me want to change the settings then document if the change made it better or worse. I don't follow a set layout, just notes.
  15. I do, everyting is all layed out on my tablet with any adjustments that were made and if it fixed the issue.
  16. It's Jinu's, I wouldn't worry about it.
  17. I managed to change the oil in the genny yesterday, I still need to organize the trailer, get pads put on the bike and get everything loaded in the trailer. I hope to get most of that done tonight.
  18. Way to go What about a roll of gasket material from a parts store?
  19. I would stick with the 180, I don't think you will like the way the 190 will feel on a 600.
  20. It was 5 sec and don't hate. Code is super cool to talk to.
  21. The books follow what they teach in the classroom of the school, the videos touch on most of the information but not quite as in depth and there are a couple of items that didn't make the videos or if they did they were very short.
  22. I know someone that isn't getting any oreos.
  23. Oh there is an update, I'm just busting his balls on it. Hey, yours will be done before the putnam race
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