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Posts posted by Rod38um

  1. 2 hours ago, alienpi said:

    In the spring when the new CBR1000RR is released there will be a lot of people shopping for the CBR1000RR; you should have an easy sale.  The YouTube advertising videos are populating pretty quickly since the debut.  

    On a side note, the next few years should be interesting in the motorcycle world, maybe they'll update the CB1000R with a higher rev limiter, more horsepower, and lower gearing for even more street performance.

    Thanks, I'll check out the youtube advertising, hadnt heard of it....


  2. It makes me sad to have to sell this bike but unfortunately due to some health issues, I'm no longer able to enjoy it. Its been babied and garage kept its entire life. Its never even been in cold weather as I've brought into our den each winter. I'm 51 years old so this bike was used more as touring bike..... the point being, it wasnt trashed by a kid. I have put 25,000 miles on it but its never been down and always been maintained properly. It actually looks like a new bike. It even has new tires on it. Anyway, I'm asking $5000 but I guess I would entertain a serious offer.








  3. I live in a small area but just looking around lately we have several small chain stores closing and a local restaurant just laid off 19 people to get under the magic obamacare number of 50 employees. A local landscaping business that has been a mainstay of the community just closed as of the first of this month. A local factory interviewed 114 people for jobs in October but put them on hold after the November election..... the list goes on. This left wing lunatic that occupies the white house is killing our economy. It appears that it is purely intentional.

  4. I remember how a certain few on here tried to justify their support for the anti constitutional candidate for president (Obama) by constantly saying he would not pursue gun control legislation in a second term because he didnt in the first term. Well as usual, the liberal idiocy that so many try push on others was wrong and the level headed conservative folks as usual were right.


  5. I'd like to see the names and addresses published of the idiots who have donated money to antigun causes...... fight fire with fire.

    On a side note, the "gun show loop hole" they are trying to close really has nothing to do with gun shows. Its a ban on private sales unless its done through the government and registered in a national database. This would force registering and recording of every firearm in the nation and a large fee would be charged for transfers. Call your legislators, join the NRA, donate money to pro constitutional candidates. Your vote alone is no longer enough!

  6. The problem with unions is that they support the democratic party for no other reason than kick backs. Companies have to compete on the world stage. All cost factors figure in to their ability to do this. Unions demand higher wages and benefits, this adds in. They support democrats who continually lobby for higher corporate taxes, license, fee's and regulation making costs higher, it figures in. The democrats constantly attack energy production making the cost higher, it figures in. The democrats constantly look for ways to make investing cost more........ All the while, other countries have been implementing measures to bring down a companies cost and lure that company to their shores. Some of our companies have moved out, some just could no longer compete with those who found cheaper operating costs elsewhere. Either way, our decline in the economic world is directly the fault of liberals who continue to play the class warfare game and paint those with responsible policy ideas as "being for the rich" The liberal class warfare idiots would rather be unemployed and living in third world conditions than accept that another man may have more than him. Its a sad, sad mental problem.

    Doing business here benefits all of us. Driving it out benefits foreigners.

  7. Meet the press right now Dianne Feinstein said she will introduce an AWB into the senate.

    I guess I'll have to paint my black guns some other color to avoid being a criminal...... :wtf:

    Everyone wants to point the finger at something. Most ideas would do nothing to prevent it from happening. Tighter gun control.... wont work. Mom should have been more careful.... maybe thats why she got killed first, this kid planned this.

    What really pisses me off is the left wing democrats who made it all so easy. They insist we house the kids in a school where its illegal to defend them. Then they insist we put up big bright signs telling all the crazy people they can carry out their evil deeds inside the building with no opposition. They may as well put a neon sign on the roof that says; "Unprotected children inside, do as you please" Criminal protection zones or gun free zones need to be banned.

  8. Sounds like every health plan I ever had since 1997.

    - Obama's healthcare didn't implement tobacco surcharge - I've been (not) paying that for years.

    - Spouse surcharge? My company won't even cover my spouse if she has insurance available - Her company charges a $2k insurable spouse penalty. Been doing that for year, not because of Obama's healthcare.

    - Deductibles / copays. As economy craps out the companies push more cost onto the workers. Happened during the recent recession, happened under Bush in the early 2000's. Not related to Obama's healthcare.

    - My insurance premium goes up every year. Healthcare is more expensive due to factors like uninsured people, malpractice insurance payments etc. The rate of increase has stayed constant for me. Obamacare not to blame.

    - FSA upper limits are set by the IRS. Which limit has gone down? I'm not aware of anything. Might be just your company. FSAs are linked to taxes, not obamacare.

    **EDIT Correction: (Yes, Obamacare gave the IRS the ability to limit the medical FSA limit. The IRS set it at $2500. The reason I didn't see a drop is medical FSAs used to be as big as the company wanted to allow, but I have never worked for a company that allowed more than $2500. Therefore I saw no change and didn't know the duty of setting the limit had moved from the employer to the IRS) **What was your limit last year?

    Your entire post is ridiculous! Thats like saying higher fuel costs have nothing to do with increased food prices. Anytime the government makes healthcare more expensive, anytime the government makes it more expensive for insurance companies to operate, they look for ways to increase prices. That is exactly what has happened and Obamacare is directly responsible for these increased costs. Sit there with your eyes closed and your hands over your ears if you like but when you refuse to look at reality, you just sound ridiculous when you speak!

  9. This week we got our benefits update for 2013. Our insurance premium is going up and changing to a percent instead of a flat fee. Our deductible is doubling our copay is tripling. They are adding a tobacco surcharge and a spousal surcharge. prescription increased and out of pocket maximum increased. the flexible spending account limit decreased.......... Oh and our wage freeze is in place for another year. Obama and his healthcare scheme suck!

  10. this is what i was thinking, we're already footing the bill...

    I don't know what difference statehood would make.

    Electoral votes.

    They are majority democrats as evedenced by their social program abuse and runaway debt. Being a state would entitle them to more access to federal funding though....... sound like just the thing we need though. I'm all for it. No since in pussy footing around with this slow slide into economic failure. Lets bring more democrats on board and dive right in to third world status!

  11. Government dependency is decreasing since the collapse of our economy.

    Our economy has not collapsed yet. The increasing dependency as evidenced by the rise from 30 million to over 46 million under Obama

    Obama has been steadily decreasing the deficit since 09.

    The deficit and the debt have sharply increased under Obama.

    Gasoline prices are global commodity prices, the president can't do much if anything about it.

    The devaluing of the dollar by printing money to cover the our debt spending requires other countries to ask for more of those dollars for their product. (Study Argentina economic collapse)

    Which 21 taxes are you referring?

    The 21 new taxes that fund the healthcare bill that dont take effect till after the election. You already received the benefit, now you get the bill.

    define "personal healthcare choices" you mean like contraception coverage?

    No, like what procedures you are allowed to have, second opinions, whether or not you are worth an expensive procedure. Or as my mother found out this morning while trying to make a doctors appointment, her doctor is no longer accepting government payments like medicare, its not worth it any longer and she was turned away.

    Jobs have been increasing steadily over the past few years, or haven't you been paying attention?

    Jobs have not even kept pace with population growth.

    Decreasing tax revenue, well the president is planning on fixing that...

    Watch the actual numbers and let me know how that works out. You need to increase the GDP and lower the trade deficit both of which he has been working very hard to move the wrong direction.

    Erosion of rights? you mean like how you can now carry a firearm into a state park?

    Lets see how you feel after a couple more supreme court justices are appointed and redefine some of your rights for you......

  12. Most Democrats are pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, believe that a strong federal government can do good, believe in a progressive tax system tax cuts go to the middle class and not millionaires, embryonic stem cell research and universal health care, all of which are counter to the Republican Party Platform.

    Not that I talk to..... If they are active in politics, as in working or volunteering for the democratic party then yes but not the average democratic voter.

    Never the less, as I write this Obama has already won the presidency so its all irrelevant for now.

    So we shall continue down the same path.

    Increasing government dependency

    Increasing debt

    Increasing energy and gasoline cost

    21 new taxes shall be begin

    Government shall make personal healthcare choices

    Continued job losses

    decreasing tax revenue

    Erosion or elimination of constitutional individual rights

    Oh, Congratulations on your win and the ability to further this hard fought agenda.

  13. Never heard of a filibuster huh?

    Also, with a republican majority in the house, they are quite capable of blocking anything.

    True....... but I'm not wading into the weeds about individual actions or bills. One of our problems is that every piece of legislature out there has so much bull crap attached to it that anyone who ever voted for or against any issue has voted for something they didnt want or against something they did. You can point to any politician and call them a hypocrite as evidenced by their record. Till we vote on one issue at a time, everyone has to give up something to get something. I dont like, it needs changed but thats the way it is currently. Policy and direction, however, are debatable without wading into the weeds....... so to speak.

  14. This is kind of a non sequitur. A high national debt does not bring us closer to economic collapse. The debt was far higher during WWII, and we came out of that stronger, economically.

    In a sense, you are correct. The debt to gdp ratio was slightly higher in the mid 40's for a few months, however the world was rebuilding and we were the highly industrialized. At that time we had no other serious countries to compete with, if you wanted to manufacture, we were the only place that had everything you needed. If you look at the debt to gdp charts, that debt dropped like a rock because the economy was in high gear and we had every available person working and paying taxes. That cant happen again unless we decide to compete and make it easier and cheaper for companies to do business here.

    What would you cut to require less revenue?

    For the record, President Obama has lowered taxes for individuals, and wants to lower the top corporate tax rate from 35% to 28%. He additionally wanted to renew the payroll tax cut, but Republicans in the Senate blocked him.

    I'm not a candidate, but if I were, I would start by returning many federal departments back over to the states. Education for starters. You can still have federal standards without sending our taxes to the feds, remove half for bureaucracy and then send some back for schools. However I would not make serious cuts till job growth was in high gear. Corporate tax must be much lower. Capital gains should be eliminated. there are trillions being held in offshore accounts that people would love to bring home and invest domestically. We currently tax the heck out it so so people leave it off shore and reinvest it overseas where it creates jobs for foreigners. We need that money invested here. Once we have more jobs, more tax payers, we need less entitlements, only then can they be cut.

    Obama keeps saying he cut taxes, mine sure haven't gone down and the big tax increases, 21 new taxes from Obamacare dont take effect until after the election. (yes, thats underhanded)

    Republicans in the senate have never had a majority under Obama and are not capable of blocking anything. Additionally they would never block a tax decrease unless it had a ton of liberal BS attached to it.

    This is false. Liberals, aside from the very far left, believe in the free market, in profit, and in success in business. Liberals certainly believe that people should be rewarded for harder work. I don't know of any liberals who believe that people who work harder and earn more shouldn't be rewarded.

    I'm gonna disagree. I dont consider the average democrat to be liberal. I take every opportunity to discuss issues with democrats. I've found that most times, most democrats agree with the republican platform on the issues but insist on voting democrat because their union told them to or the government agency they work for told them to and they really dont pay attention to politics or economics so they just go along with what they are told. The problem is the elected officials in the democratic party dont share their values. The party has been taken over by liberal, left wing extremists...... "socialists" who are all about big government and punishing productivity, oppressing personal freedoms and the ability to reap what you sow. I blame the media. If the media was honest, then honest voting democrats would have elected representatives that actually agreed with their values

  15. So as long as it benefits you, picking winners is fine... but if it doesn't benefit you, how dare they...

    Glad you're so transparent.

    Nope...... didnt say that. The past is the past. We have done too much of that in the past. Thats why we are nearing economic collapse with a 16 trillion dollar debt. I cant change it and niether can you, however in the future, I want to see a smaller less intrusive government that requires less revenue to run. I want to see balanced budgets and lower taxes for corporations and individuals. I believe by encouraging business growth in this mannor that the resulting job growth will create more tax payers to share in the revenue burden which hopefully will be smaller than today. I also underssatnd the federal government must play a roll in areas like defense and transportaion. Sure some companies will benefit but a direct kick back or payback should not be tolorated.

    The difference magley is I support maximum freedom we can attain while maintaining basic structure of law that allows individuals to profit from their labor, ideas and creativity. The liberals support the idea that government should control and direct the direction of markets and wealth so that no man may be inticed to go the extra mile to benefit himself and family because the government is the only profiteer.

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  16. It's ironic you're in the nuke industry... ya know, an industry started with gov't money and still heavily subsidized by our tax dollars.

    True, in the name of national defense. However there are components in the cycle that have returned billions to the treasury. The government contracted several components out to private industry, paid them to run it out of the profits they made..... and profits were huge on the power generation end.

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