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Posts posted by crf69

  1. 1st . Quit crying and moaning to random dudes on the interwebz about your girl problems.

    2nd. Go out with some buddies, get some drinks and find something female to keep you occupied for the night.

    3rd. Ask female companion who you dont remember their name to leave in the morning because you have stuff to do.

    4th. Wash sheets

    5th. Repeat 1-5 until you are no longer crying in your cereal to people on the net and are comfortable picking up chicks.

    i will next time....wait next time? ha! im getting there man im getting there....i wanna fucking ride thats all i can think about now!

  2. #1 All women are crazy, the degree will vary.

    #2 If you want to know what a woman will be like in the future, look at the mother.

    #3 All women are crazy.

    #4 If you get dumped and you think it is the end of the world, you're wrong, it's the beginning of new times with a new and better woman.

    #5 All women are crazy.

    #6 Be sure to find a less crazy woman this time around that you can rub in her face.

    #7 All women are crazy.

    #8 Focus your thoughts on your children.

    i have seen the light ha! thanks!

  3. Man a 100 miles? Id hardly call that long distance, ive been with my girl for over 8 months and shes in Texas.

    If she broke it off, odds are she didnt care as much about you so youre better off. Truthfully, true love would be able to overcome 100 miles. Youll be fine. grab some dollar bills, cry your pain away in a some DDs while drinking some scotch and doing blow off a stripper's ass. It helps...it really does. Sense of empowerment.

    oh wow.....ha!!!!!

  4. i dated this skank for 4 years and then it went to shit, also ended with a long distance situation just like yours.

    drank some captain, hung out with some old friends, met a new girl, and it was like the old mess never happened

    it took like 2-3months to get over it

    just go find a rebound...forget her dude, long distance doesnt work, no matter how much you love someone

    dont even bother trying to drag it out, just ditch her ass and move on....go get drunk and meet new girls, find someone to use as a rebound

    that sounds like a plan!!! maybe next weekend ha! i like that word rebound:bow:

  5. Hell Im newly single after 5 years of marriage, keep myself highly intoxicated and every time I talk to her she reminds me why I am no longer with her! Its my two boys I don't get to see much that I cry about. It can always be worse my friend. Now Im just waiting until it warms up so I can use my spare time to go and get rid of the chicken strips that are waiting for me!

    i have new shoes ready to put on my 1000rr....fucking spring yet! ughh!!

  6. Keeping your self busy works until to you stop an all those feelings that your pushing away come an smack you in the fucking face. Then the next thing you know your driving down the road listening to all the songs that you two have shared balling your eyes out like a little girl.

    Not that I know anything about that last part. I just assume thats what happens!!!!

    whats really bullshit is that when i just went to the grocery store an hour ago.....i seen two fucking cars just like hers in the parking lot!!! what the fuck!!!!

  7. okay so ive seen breakup threads on here so here comes mine....i need help because i cannot stop FLIPPING OUT ! bullshit!! i was single for three years prior to this which only lasted 6 months.....but still im telling you what i liked her more than any ive had!

    problem one was we lived 100 miles away.....long distance relationships are for the birds i now believe.....but strong enough love shouldnt matter with distance right?

    tons of jobs where she lives none here.....i cant leave becasue my daughter lives with me half the time

    she finally said its over after all we been through in the short six months.....i went back and forth wathcing her kids while she was at work every week or a little over a week.....we traveled well went to see fenway park camped out in penn.....whatever!!! help me get through this OR!!!(bitch lives in Pickerington by the way)

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