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Posts posted by crf69

  1. nows the time to buy a toyota!!!! seriously did anyone see that woman in the lexus testify?.....while shes goin 110 she calls her husband? gtfo.......and the guy who is sittin in jail for vehicular mansluaghter tells everybody his camry gas pedal stuck?......and some guy on abc news jumps the accellerator pedal and goes full throttle on camera and replicates the so called problem?.....shows a auto scanner pass code?.....i think the big three is using FREE money to pay these people to try and bring them down.....this is complete and utter bullshit.....every american vehicle ive ever owned shoulda been recalled......i love toyota

  2. ... I'd have no luck at all, seriously! LOL

    Had a great ending to my work week late friday afternoon.... just finished working on this customers truck (2007 Ford F-250 super duty... nothing major, just a bunch of maintenance stuff) *and they were on their way to pick it up. *The weather was getting crappy, and it was my last job for the day, so I finished it up and last thing I had to do was take it for a quick drive to make sure everything was good, then pack my tools up and haul ass home.

    So I head out, turn right onto the main road in front of our dealership, get about 0.2 mile down the road and going pretty slow cuz the roads are slick (about 25 mph or so), and all of a sudden out of the line of cars going the opposite direction, this old brown Chevy truck starts to fishtail, rear end slid way out to the right, and he comes straight across the road and t-bones me right in the drivers side. *I saw him coming and tried to move over to the right as much as I could, hoping it would maybe buy me an extra second or two to get out of the way, but it was no use.... he plowed me dead center across the drivers front door, rear door, and truck bed. *Spun us both around 180 degrees and off into the grass

    A few pics... gotta say the Super Duty held up a bit better than the old Chevy did! hahah. *I was driving the white F-250 in the opposite direction of the way it's pointing






    Oh well... that's what insurance is for, right? At least nobody was hurt, and no other vehicles got drug into it. *He was honest and admitted that I had done nothing wrong and was completely in my lane and in control, and he was the one that came over and hit me, so that's good at least.

    Finally got back to the shop about an hour or so later after having to get the truck towed back. *By that point the weather had gotten pretty bad and the roads were pretty much solid ice, and there were wrecks everywhere so pretty much every road was a parking lot and I really didn't want to drive the nearly 30 miles home, and risk another idiot hitting me in my own car (I'd be screwed). *So since I had to work again the next morning, I just drove (very carefully,lol) about a mile down the road to a hotel and got a room for the night

    dude your on cbr1000rr.net!!!!

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