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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. http://en.paperblog.com/sandy-hook-the-curious-case-of-emilie-parker-401982/ The girl with two thumbs looks normal to me. She's sucking on on her middle and ring fingers, palm facing us. Nothing else in the pic looks wrong. The father's pinkies are hidden by cloth and the girls' legs are either side of his leg, pointing directly down. The family pic looks to be older, and the girl who appeared with Obama is older than she is in the pic. She's probably wearing the same dress as a tribute.
  2. Scruit

    Obama's plan

    Executive order #18 on the list: Provide incentives for schools to hire school resource officers. So they DID listen to the NRA, at least a little bit.
  3. Scruit

    Obama's plan

    18k per year. Yep. And about 2,700 road deaths in 30 days. About 50,000 died from heart disease in 30 days. How many died from assault weapons? Well, Feinstein herself says 385 since 2004, which is 3 in 30 days. Over 300 million people, the numbers of deaths are higher than you'd think in every classification. Someone dies every week to a lightning strike.
  4. Scruit

    Obama's plan

    Executive Orders: - "Strengthening background checks" - Giving mental heal professionals a mechanism for reporting dangerous individual - Directing CDC to study gun violence reduction, despite congress de-funding it - CDC to study effect of violent video games Calling on congress to: - Pass Universal background checks (I agree with this one) - Pass AWB and 10 round limit - Pass Tougher punishments on straw purchases - Confirm Todd Jones as ATF director (currently acting director, and Obama will nominate officially) - Fund additional police officers
  5. Scruit

    Obama's plan

    Speech is starting...
  6. Agreed. It is the act of cheating that threatens the relationship, not "who the father is"
  7. Don't get dragged into it without understanding it. BofA put a hold on transactions for a number of days due to unusual volume. This is not at all unusual. They then released the transactions. That's different from "freezing" their account. I've heard the vendor themselves say he was told it was because he deals in guns, but I have yet to see any proof of that. there's a reason hearsay is not admissible in court.
  8. I maintain that guy most likely doesn't know anything and used "yes' nervously why looking for information on his screen. How would BofA know what you are buying? They only know the merchant name, if you bought ammo from WM it shows up as "Walmart $50" not "Walmart ammo $50" on their computers. The only way they'd know is if the merchant was known to be primary a guns/ammo dealer. I bought my 7.62 2 day ago from ammotogo, and a ton of 9mm last week from surplusammo. Why would they let those through?
  9. The constitution only limits the actions of the government, not private people/companies.
  10. 1) The voice sounds foreign, not US. His use of English seems to be clumsy. In the UK (and other countries) it's common to say "Yes" or "right" while listening to someone, but that is not agreement, that just means; "I heard you". Americans typically don't understand that. 2) I bought several hundred rounds of 7.62 on my BOA card 2 days ago.
  11. But then the theory falls apart: The video is dated before the shooting, but was clearly shot after the event, referencing events that happened afterwards - or at least showing the scope of people involved in an so-called "hoax" This page lists as dec 13th on the google cache, but comes back at dec 14th in the page itself - and it includes pictures from the event. So either they had kids act out a shooting situation and crying all the time, then sworn to utter secrecy, or the date is wrong in the google cache. Search google for sandy hook then use the search tools to specify a custom date range of 12-13-2012 to 12-13-2012 and you will find a ton of reports of the shooting. Either this is the the most carefully crafted conspiracy in history involving half the planet in its planning - or the dates are wrong. I think Occam's Razor applies here.
  12. What about this? http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:sFg-ITDrjT0J:www.arlingtonlocalschools.com/news/2012/12/10/talking-with-your-child-about-the-sandy-hook-tragedy+&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
  13. Why bother? Most of them are readily disproven via information available, or are clearly coincidences or misinterpretations of normal events. I'd like to know when the donation websites were set up... That's the most interesting to me.
  14. The "dead" girl had a younger sister who looks just like her. That's most probably the younger sister. There were three girls in that family.
  15. I have several dozen sks clips. Only 5 mags though.
  16. It passed an Cuomo signed it. Next, see if the NRA challenges it of not.
  17. I ordered some glock mags from glockstore about a week and a half ago. They did not list backorder status at the time but they do now. At the time they said expect a status in 3-5 days, heard nothing since then.
  18. http://www.cnn.com/2013/01/15/politics/gun-laws-battle/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 News conference at 11:45 Wednesday. If it's any indication which way they are going, Obama will be joined on stage by several school children who wrote letters to Obama telling him they are scared of guns. There's no way this won't end well.
  19. They will be banned/neutered long before then. 10 rounds, fixed mags, no pistol grips, every component must be stored in an individual safe and they will be required to shoot daisy petals instead of bullets.
  20. Your sig should be spelled "a sound you'll never hear"
  21. Under NY law the Unicorn mod would make the rifle NOT a semi-automatic any more: http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/nycode/PEN/THREE/P/265/265.00 Using the unicorn mod, the loading of the next round requires manual intervention.
  22. So, New York does something you don't like so you move away from Ohio? Yup, my "MakesSenseometer" didn't register much on that one.
  23. This NY. They already have very limited gun rights. Couple clarifications at the link: - Safe storage added for households that contain at least one person who is federall banned from owning guns. No requirement to store ammo seperate, and you can have it on your person, so CCW/Open carry in your house is ok, and you can have a quick-access safe. This is the setupd I already use at my house. In my holster or in my safe, no exceptions. - Mental health professionals must report any person they believe may use a gun illegally to the govt, who may then confiscate the guns. - Private sales must go through an FFL unless it is a sale to an immediate family member (as a gift I guess) - 10 round mags ARE grandfathered but cannot be loaded with more than 7 rounds. +10 rounds mags must go away. This only covers semi-auto rifles with detachable mag. Under the 1-feature test an SKS with original wooden stock would still be legal and wouldn't be registered but you cannot load it more than 7 deep. If you use a fixed mag (the bullet button still appears to be considered a "removable fixed magazine" under this new law, so an AR with a bullet button would not have to be registered. Also, making the AR into a hybrid manual-semi rifle would remove it from having to be registered too (using the Unicorn conversion, wherein the bolt locks open after every shot and must be manually released using a device similar to a magpul battery assist device that is modified to be sear-operated so it cannot just be "held down" to create for semi-auto operation). So, every gets 10 round mags or permanently converts their 30 round mags to 10 round max, then installs a bullet button, and they are legal again.
  24. - The donation page dates are very interesting. Does Deja still exist? Are there caches that show the pages existing at that time rather it being just a date error? - The fact that guy who found the 6 kids is a SAG member is not relevant if public records show he lives in that house and has done for years. Now if he doesn't live there then Hmmm... - The guy who doesn't look 57 despite public records sayign he is... Did they say what public records? Some privately operated "public records" companies list me as anywhere from 13 to 93 and some even list me as female. I'd like to see drivers license proof of his age being 57 before I give any credence to that. Also, his name could be common enough that there are two people of the same name? - The mother smiling in the interview may have been recalling a happy memory. The father joking before coming up to the microphone is interesting, but we all deal with stress differently. I remember laughing and joking with my brothers as we stood in tailored suits outside my mother's house. We were joking about something funny our mother had done a recently. Then we saw the hearse carrying her in her casket coming around the corner and all the joking stopped and we proceeded with the funeral. How can someone laugh and joke at a funeral? Well, how about just an hour after she died when we all stood outside the hospital in a circle sharing find memories of her, and we laughed, cried in equal amounts. In that kind of situation mood can fluctuate wildly as your brain tries to make sense of emotions that most of us have never felt.
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