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Posts posted by FlyingBunny

  1. what does it take to learn to fly? cost?

    and i would go with a 500 ninja or any 600. that way you dont outgrow it right away.. as long as you respect what it'll do you'll be fine..

    Flying lessons vary by flight school. I trained at OU and their flight courses were insanely expensive... I don't even recommend them! Each course (Private Pilot, Cross Country, Instrument, Commercial, Multi-Engine, CFI, etc etc) were around $5,000 EACH (and prices each year are increasing... this was on top of other college expenses such as room & board, tuition, books.. YUCK). And that doesn't even include "overage" fees if you don't complete the course in the alotted hours you paid for. In other words, I'd find a flight school provided by your local airport to learn. You'll get better attention from your instructor for a fraction of the cost. :)

  2. you all have some great advice, thanks!! I'm going to try to make it to the Thursday bike night. I work until 8pm so it'll be closer to 9 until I can make it though. Will anyone still be there? I'll keep ya posted on that...

    And in response to some previous posts... yes, I am here to learn :-p I took the MSF course and wish it was longer so I could learn some more. I'd love to learn on a sport bike which is why I'm looking into getting a used one in the near future.

  3. hahaha... yes she is a pilot. We went to flight school together so she is legit!

    WELCOME Miss Amy!! You did awesome in class! Watch out for these guys... there are some feisty ones here... ;)

    hahaha thanks Julie!! I already saw the leg humping smiley... oh boy ;)

    You did awesome in the class!! Let me know if you wanna get together sometime! I won't be like the cool kids and have a bike (YET).. but maybe Vinny will cart me around??? LOL

  4. Hello, riders! I'm a super newbie: a newbie to the forum and a newbie to riding.

    I'm a friend of juliejuliejulie and just recently completed the MSF course with her. It was the very first time I have EVER ridden a bike (as a 'driver'. I previously just rode on the back of my boyfriend's CBR 600RR... and being a pax just isn't as fun ;)), and through some trial and error (*coughdroppingthebikecough*) I passed the course and got my endorsement! Woohoo!

    I'm here to learn more about bikes, get to know those of you who enjoy riding, and make a few friends here 'n there ;)

    I would love to hear from all of you, especially about your riding experiences and tips for a newbie rider like me. Also, any tips on which kind of bike I should purchase would be MUCH APPRECIATED!! :D I've been told the Ninja 250 is an awesome bike to start out on, so I've been keeping an eye out for those (used ones, of course). Thoughts? :)

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