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Everything posted by QuikAccord

  1. I can get a 3xT the cost is $3 more and the colors are limited to a basic handful of colors.
  2. While hellmut reinacts "rocky2"
  3. Yes I am. Equipment has been ordered. I will order supplies once I have enough interest to keep over head down. So this will have to almost be like a group buy thing at first. Until I start gathering more business.
  4. About $25-30 for a pull over hoodie depending on size.
  5. Haven't you ever heard of using spit?
  6. But aren't you the king/queen of dvda?
  7. I added something extra to the original post.
  8. I can get jerzees, Hanes, and FTL shirts and hoodies. Currently wearing a jerzee brand hoodie and t shirt. I've been quite happy with their quality. Shirt designs will be a professional quality heat transfer material.
  9. I have decided to order the equipment to start making t shirts. I already have vinyl cutting equipment for making stickers and such, which is have of the equipment needed for making custom shirts. I am thinking of making a simple OR shirt with your SN on them. prices will be around 12-15 a shirt depending on size. Also I'll include an OR sticker with each shirt. Thoughts?
  10. One is coming up real soon. http://scienceheathen.com/2012/12/28/meteor-showers-2013-dates-and-times-perseids-geminids-lyrids-leonids-orionids-quadrantids-etc/
  11. That device isn't not designed for men with above average girth. I'll just have to continue using the traditional method.
  12. I found this forum on a google search http://m.topix.com/forum/city/oneida-ny/TJP9ICUHAGA0BLJ38
  13. Gives new meaning to " go f*ck yourself"
  14. I want to know what love is.... I want you to show me....
  15. We should ride together again sometime.
  16. "why do Jews play football? To get the quarter back!"
  17. I wish the new graphics would be this life like.
  18. Baby, I'm not an alcoholic. I'm just addicted to seeing you pretty.
  19. If this story is true, that child is going to be messed up for life.
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