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Posts posted by QuikAccord

  1. One of the villagers' kid must work at the pocket pussy factory. It got put in her lunch sack as a joke. If her parents would have found it she would have been killed for disgracing the family name, so she buried it.

    ^^^ THIS makes a lot of sense.

  2. If these new lithium batteries are so good why are they only offering 180 day warranty?

    Sometimes these batteries don't handle a deep cycle very well and cannot always recover from being fully drained. I have a 4 cell that has been deep cycled a few times and has recovered fine each time. I made an 8 cell and accidentally drained it once and had to replace two of the cells right away. It can be a crap shoot whether or not a cell will survive a deep cycle or not.

  3. I have made these myself for the last couple years for myself and friends. I recommend an 8 cell. A 4 cell will start the bike at first but if you stall you may not be able to get the bike started again right away. I run an 8 cell myself under the seat.

  4. So recently I broke my screen on my iPhone. Being the handy person I am, I set out to repair my phone myself. So ordered the parts I wanted/needed for the repair.





    Now the finished product:



    Took me about a hour from start to finish. I'm very happy with the final results and the quality of the materials.

    All questions and comments welcome.

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