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Posts posted by QuikAccord

  1. Okay we are on our last stretch of road before we make our stop at a gas station on the corner of 350&123. The is in our eyes and begin to realize that the car on the side of the road up ahead is a sherif. I quickly. Check my speed. 51mph, knowing I had already been slowing down. I go past, check my mirror. Watch Alex go past and see the patrol car immediately pull out and light 'em up. I make sure we pull over promptly. The Officer walks up to us very friendly and says he clocked us at 63mph. I offer my appollogies and told him I didn't realize we had been going that fast. He asks for our license and ins. and takes our info back to the car. He quickly comes back and checks my vin bc I had changed the plastics lol. Surprisingly enough he told us to slow it down and let us go.

    Now we continue on our way and stop at the gas station. All of a sudden some ricer kid in a Nissan flies up from where we just were and pulls into the lot. Stops then spins his tires trying to show off or something. He parks, gets out and then asks us if we want to race for pinks. Hahaha He calls our bikes gsxr's and busa's hahaha asked if mine was a 750gsxr or something. Next thing you know 2 sheriff cars come flying up from where this guy came from. I told the guy, "there looking for you" haha so he turns around and goes into the store. Lol The one that just had us pulls in right behind the guy with the Nissan and waits for him to come out. Once he does the officer get out and calls the guy by name. "Tony, did you just drive throught your neighbor's yard?" haha now we notice all the mud up the sides of the guys car. hahaha we decided it was time for us to go.

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