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Everything posted by vanaman

  1. vanaman


    we had good experience with jack l. woods. steve
  2. thats cool. next time i need one ill have to keep this in mind
  3. i have some flyers. they came on a 96 gti. i can get pics if you want.
  4. in for pics. even though i dont have money or need for a race car. steve
  5. knew i should have made an appearence. i havent seen the durroco since i think 04 or 05. steve
  6. Ive had the carquest shop on silver drive drill out bolts before. steve
  7. wonder if thats what I saw today at lunch. I heard a loud prop engine plane going into osu. steve
  8. and to think id be over joyed with $100. the best ive ever seen is $25 for the store hitting qouta. steve
  9. my tomos i just bought would be perfect. although when its running perfectly it tops out at about 36mph with my fat ass on it. steve
  10. http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php a great plethora of old Honda guys. steve
  11. should let me test drive it on the track at toms. steve
  12. yea drinking is a bad combo. heres pic of the beast steve
  13. Well my buddy had a bonfire last night. So before i got too much alcohol in my i took the atc200s three wheeler out for a ride. It did amazing on the moto-x track, although i did avoid the jumps. When i tried pulling it back in the barn is the first chance it tried to kill me. There is a 4" lip on the concrete. I tried to hop the front wheel up and it wheelies me off the back and was sitting on the rear fender. Then after i had a few more we decided i should try to do a burn out in the barn. bad idea, it wheelied right towards the work bench and only stopped when one of the rear wheels caught my foot and flipped the three wheeler. Moral of the story dont rider three wheels when you are drinking. steve
  14. I so wanted to go for ride when i got off work. but alas the pos still wouldnt start. so i tore the carbs and everything off and started cleaning. not near as satisfying as riding. steve
  15. any in a trade for a 94 yamaha seca II? steve
  16. Do you guys have any printed materials? Id be willing to talk to my boss at Napa and convince them to sit some out. steve
  17. ive got a 94 yamaha seca II that needs a little work. id sell it for 900 steve
  18. im not really worried about the fins. should still be there enough to cool it adequetly. the knobbies are tempting. i just dont know how the rest of the bike would respond to the mx track. steve
  19. well a couple weeks ago, i found a 94 yamaha seca 2 on craigslist. It defiantly needs some work. but the price was right. so onto my new winter project. The plan is either to rebuild it back to good condition and flip it or put some knobbies on it and beat the shit out of it. its a hard decision. does anyone know of a forum for these bikes? i need to find a place for the parts. steve
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