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Modern Synthetics

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Posts posted by Modern Synthetics

  1. If you did not attend this week you should definitely plan on making it to the MooseKOC for a fish fry. I was skeptical at first since I have been to many fish fry's that were barely edible. Not the case here, some of the best fried fish I have had other than freshly caught, battered and fried on site. And holy fish, only $8.00. Can't beat it my friends. The evening also provided a great deal of comic value free of charge. My face still hurts from laughing so hard. Check it out, you won't be disappointed. Unless of course you get there to late and can't get any feesh.

  2. thread hijack..anyone here got a ruger sp101 revolver? thoughts?

    After reading great reviews in magazines and such I thought I wanted one of these a while back. That is until I went to the range and put a box of 50 through one. The SP101 is heavy and kicks like a mule compared to similar size/weight auto loaders. I would definitely recomend shooting one before you purchase.

  3. Thank you for the compliments. It has been a pleasure working with you also. Don't worry, you won't get me in trouble for posting prices so it's all good.

    Please let me know if you are interested in setting up a commercial account for your business. As I stated before, there are no set up fees for a business to get set up as a commercial account so they can purchase at wholesale pricing. There are also no obligations to purchase so it is a risk free proposition for any business owner that is interested in purchasing Amsoil products. It will take a few minutes of your time to fill out an application or to give me the information over the phone and that is it. You can also purchase any type of products with one of these accounts so you can take care of all your Amsoil needs with this one free account. Let me know if that is something your interested in pursuing.

  4. That's kind of what I thought. I didn't remember seeing much close to the arena when I went there. If we have to drive, we may go eat at Gordon Beirsch or something down that way and then back to the arena area.

    Nothing is in short walking distance.

    It would be easiest to drive.

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