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Posts posted by Mynameismud

  1. I have been an LEO for 17 years and I see no problem with slamming anybody wielding a knife, if youre stabbed and killed by an old person you wont be any less dead than being killed by a young person. The problem is something like this occurs while your adrenaline is pumping and the ambient noise and other confusion is going on, then when its over everybody wants to take thier time and go over a video for hours and analize every second. Life has no rewind so when you make a decision thats it.

  2. Remember playing hide and seek with the hot chicks in the neighborhood when we were kids? Nothing like making out with chics in the darkness just to hear your mom yell out the screen door that its time to get in the house! SHIT Cock blocked at age 11 by your mom!
  3. u think (or you probably say you know) your so bad ass. man you just went out and found it real easy and played along. well good to know your a team player. you probably play on the other site called ohio vaginas so keep playing tag with vaginas and we will just keep playing here. plus the picture is in bluebell ohio and on rt 146 so go ahead and put one in portsmouth and how about cleveland hell lets go to toledo too. if the game should be properly played go to the location section find an area your close too and play the game there. u must be on a lot so i hope u hear this and piss off;)
    Calm down, are you off you med's? Take a minute and read your post spunky, It makes no fucking sense at all. Nobody took your puzzle pieces you paranoid fuckstick. Lighten up and get a sense of humor.
  4. Nobody is moving it until they get to this one. Rules are rules. I like where it is, personally. It's really a pretty central location, if you ask me. The point of the game is adventure, not to ride to the end of your street.

    Will they care if I join adv rider just to play over there too?

    Just come over and register, it can be fast paced. Check it out!
  5. WTF, this is like a parallel universe where a really fucked up version of adventure exists.:wtf: If there is too much boring highway to get someplace, take the back roads, and if it's too far get a fn note from your mother or sneak out when she goes to bed.:supergay:

  6. In some things, size DOES matter and motor is one of them ;)
    First off "motor's" are powered by electricity, engines are powered mostly by a fuel such as gasoline. Secondly "Proper application of power" is key, so a bigger power plant with no use for the superfluous output would be unnecessary at best. This brings us back to OVERCOMPENSATION.:beathorse:
  7. WTF, was there a plague? I still ride SE quite often, some of the best riding in the state and I see plenty of bikes when I'm there. Huh:missing:

    What happened to Rolling Thunder? and AMA hare scrambles @ Power line Park in Belmont county?

  8. Date of ride AUG 9th

    Where? At the gas station in Laurelville. It's at the intersection of 56 and 180.

    Bring $ for lunch and some good dual sport tires on your bike. Nothing less than a 50-50 tire unless your just "that good". :) This ride is in support of Cavemanriders.com and it would be appreciated if attendies considered visiting the site and maybe even join if interested in what they have to offer.

    How many miles you got this logged at?
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