Hahaha ok so MJ's bike does not like to shift gears when it is warming up, so i was at an intersection with her trying to get into first... needless to say it would not shift so i was like f* this i will try one more time then just hit it in second since it is a 500 (not too much power...). Well right as i try my last time it hits first gear as I am reveing at about 6000 - 8000 rpms... thats ends up in me pulling a wheelie no feet on the pegs just lifting me by my balls... for about two second before I lifted up put feet on the pegs, straightened out, and let go of the throttle. Newbes like me can't handle that lol. So i straighten it out, get it back on the ground and catch up with her (in pain for about 20 min lol). Anyway it was a good time. Also I am 23 not less than 21 altough MJ was trying to hit on me during lunch if i do say so myself lol.....