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Everything posted by viper51s

  1. also i ghetto rigged your ignition on the kawi lol. I didn't get any zip ties till I picked up the bike and I didn't have any scisors to cut the zip ties I added.... yea you will see if you haven't already...

  2. i really do want to go but I might not be in town by then. I have the funeral tomorrow so i am back in cincy till sunday maybe not till mon morn. I have an interview on mon so I have to be back by then. I'll let you know

  3. somebody didn't invite me... but I have a midterm tomorrow so I was busy studying anyway. you kids still going to the lake this weekend?

  4. lol yea thats what i was thinking too. If you can't find it at a repair shop (autozone advanced auto parts, etc..) you could order it or something very close to it straight from 3M. I didn't see your model of tape but they have a bunch of VHB tapes. http://www.shop3m.com/double-coated-and-adhesive-transfer-tapes.html
  5. try and stay away from south campus (<12th ave) and I wouldn't go any further east then 4th street. Crime is a bit higher there but overall you should be ok anywhere
  6. I know target sells 3M sticky tap, its pretty strong too holds a bunch of stuff on my walls. I am assuming walmart does too, dunno about the rest
  7. I am new to the site, but this seems like a fun game. Bump so people don't forget about it...
  8. I'll b back monday around 7 prob so that evening (kinda late) then tues after 12:30pm, wed (work at 6) thrus after 12:30 (work at 6) then maybe friday after 1230, one of my buddies might be coming up then though

  9. Check out Californication on showtime its hilairous
  10. haha thats pretty funny, too bad the owners/creators of pirate bay recently sold it to some advertising company. Last I heard they were going to possibly charge users a fee to download from the site, might be wrong about that though
  11. Thanks for the advice, I'll keep that in mind next time I am out.... its not something I am very excited about repeating haha
  12. wait... you saw me and didn't add me...
  13. Hahaha ok so MJ's bike does not like to shift gears when it is warming up, so i was at an intersection with her trying to get into first... needless to say it would not shift so i was like f* this i will try one more time then just hit it in second since it is a 500 (not too much power...). Well right as i try my last time it hits first gear as I am reveing at about 6000 - 8000 rpms... thats ends up in me pulling a wheelie no feet on the pegs just lifting me by my balls... for about two second before I lifted up put feet on the pegs, straightened out, and let go of the throttle. Newbes like me can't handle that lol. So i straighten it out, get it back on the ground and catch up with her (in pain for about 20 min lol). Anyway it was a good time. Also I am 23 not less than 21 altough MJ was trying to hit on me during lunch if i do say so myself lol.....
  14. no lol its not swonger its smith... cse major. I hope i get to meet some of you guys at a ride sometime soon!
  15. Hey guys I am a new member from OSU just getting into riding. I ride with OSUMj for all you who know her. Just thought I would introduce myself on here.
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