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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. Op is the guys name chad like everyone is thinking. I'm curious too. The turbo kits look to be made in sunbury
  2. http://www.gifbin.com/bin/320sw53yu499.gif
  3. Pretty interesting. Probably so shocked he didn't even feel it haha
  4. This is like walking in on your roomate dressed as a woman with his weener tuck under. Then having him try to explain everyone does it and it's completely normal. Well, I'm here to tell you, it's not.
  5. Well I think the rumor on the streets is there's the mysterious man that goes by the name of "Chad". He may or may not be involved in manufacturing turbo kits for "cobras". If it is the said man, he runs this shop in sunbury. I don't think we are all thinking of the same guy though.
  6. The hardest part was the walk from my house to the sidewalks here on campus. I saw some boopa fudgepie riding a bike and completely wipe out. I so badly wanted to walk up to her and be like "that looks like a great idea". LULZ were had.
  7. I hope they cleaned all that up... I'd be fucking pissed if someone did that at a shop I owned...
  8. Right at about 9:20 I started having issues. Switched to 3G and said fuck wow. Real talk
  9. You make more shootin salt than plowing snow don't you?
  10. i hear the women there have bear traps for mouths.
  11. What does the dude want for it? I'd give him bout 1000 bucks
  12. Your like 19 jeff. Lay off the sauce
  13. I won't even look at fat women.
  14. oh8sti

    rip bluemach

  15. oh8sti

    rip bluemach

  16. dude has had it rough the last few years. For real. Son committed suicide or something. very sad. He really is a nice man once you get to know him.
  17. oh8sti

    rip bluemach

  18. oh8sti

    rip bluemach

    We trolls must ban together and create a resistance. TROLL WAR!!!! TROOOOOOOLL WWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRR!!
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