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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. So he was a socialist/communist/Obama lover that hates everyone but Obama and hitler/Stalin. What a tea party nut job he was...geeeeez
  2. Yeah it's off...says my parents house is $556k and he make $108k/year haha
  3. Blow up dolls don't eat people food.
  4. Hold the home key and the screen lock key at the same time until it comes on. If that doesn't work, plug in and if that doesn't work take it to best buy and get a new one.
  5. that grip and stock make sense but adding a light to that kind of gun is odd.
  6. oh8sti

    Mallett is

    Mallet is a bitch
  7. oh8sti


    You live with a girl? You gay? Pics of roomate.
  8. No, no comp, just a goal. Would like to see the numbers, but most likely walk around at 7-10% bf. Im having a hell of a time putting on lbs right now for some reason. Stuck at 217. Fml.
  9. That's cute I remember when i repped my first dumbell.
  10. i got the speck antiglare and its great.
  11. Bentley hit it out of the park with those wheels. They look great Doc.
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