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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. Let me guess, dads car, your 18, and have been racing for 18 years. Got it.
  2. Lolryan No seriousy, lol, ryan
  3. Wow, I'd be livid if I was storm...
  4. If you ain't first, your last.
  5. Damn, I'm out of the country, but I bet I might have been there with storm when this went down. This is why i roll around with TP and take care of his bullshit. I won't make the news, he will.
  6. Slams=having sex with Your 1st gear has sex with your whole car?
  7. I like the look, just not the 600 Good luck, would be a fun track bike!
  8. 3k and a pound of kush sounds about right.
  9. are you a bodybuilder?
  10. based on your color combination, we should get along just fine. A few of us live on campus (E 10th), dont hesitate to PM us if you want to get involved.
  11. And you probly deserved the 10 points. You were a dumb kid, you made a mistake and you pay for it. We have all done it. It's happened to me before and there was no way in hell my dad would have supported me trying to get out of it because i was a kid and needed to learn it wasn't okay to drive like a jackass. It's okay for me to fight a ticket now because it effects me alot more than before I was 18.
  12. Tryin to fight a ticket when your under 18 is pointless..
  13. ive heard of this said mythical fire that consumed an entire corvette in less that 5 seconds. I plan on telling my grandchildren and great grandchildren the story as they sit on my lap. Always finishing it with "And it wasnt even his car at the time."
  14. Seriously? You could have left all that out and just wished him well.
  15. Place out in west jeff is 300 I think. Idk. I shoot at my parents property, so I got 700+ if I needed it.
  16. Fuck cancer. Seriously, fuck it. I'll be praying
  17. I would get gay for your car.
  18. I honestly thought I was gonna see a pic of your dick... Am disappoint
  19. Pickups plus is takin care of me. Thanks guys
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