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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. yeah what is the mean green machine?
  2. Or the manliest thing posted so far in this thread. Think about it....
  3. Refer back to my sig after reading your new sig lol. It all makes sense now!
  4. I'll be there in the A8L. Who wants to run?
  5. Coming from someone that takes pictures of himself on break, in the bathroom, at work. Im pretty sure Buffalo Bill did that. Then he ended up using womens skin to cover his weener. Thats your future Paul, covering your weener with a dead womans leatherized skin. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs265.ash1/19231_572167210667_50609600_33161111_7066498_n.jpg thanks Tyler. We wouldn't want any confusion with intercourse.
  6. oh8sti

    its here......

    have you done the tests? I wonder if its just the west coast batch.
  7. Doesn't sound like someone I would buy anything I would need to trust my life on.
  8. I will never understand threads like this. He got what he wanted... He made you upset enough to write a thread about it.
  9. oh8sti

    its here......

    When can we preorder the white one?!
  10. oh8sti

    its here......

    Not as good as the Iphone 4 so it doesn't matter.
  11. oh8sti


    ill be there, working. Come say high to me, ill either be roaming around kicking kids out for underage drinking or standing in front of the stage catching crowd surfers and bustin up fights.
  12. Is your sister hot? Post pics please. This could get me to come.
  13. oh8sti

    quick, pick

    The 1st would look better on the maro if that's what you wondering.
  14. Yeah man, there was a cow in there. She was grazing for burritos. I didnt even notice a small girl in there. That mammoth beast was in the way of anything.
  15. Seriously, She was a cow. What wierded me out is he was sitting in my peripheral and I'm pretty sure she was sweating while eating that burrito and looking at me. When she left, she gave me the "I'm sechsy, follow me" eyes....I was like "listen Hun, your a whale.... K?"
  16. You could rent a car dolly for super cheap.
  17. i saw you at chipotle today, figured it was you, but never saw the plates. I was sitting with my brother and a friend at the high top table near the windows and door in a white tee and black hat. Chipotle nom nom nom. i wish i would have introduced myself!
  18. thought that was joe. The kid in the WRX is my neighbor...
  19. personally worked for me. Should work for you.
  20. so they want indy to adopt the design so they can kill valuable drivers, causing the teams and owners lots of money? They think teams will be thrilled with this dont they? lol
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