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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. http://www.liftingfaces.com/uploads/fail_01.jpg
  2. http://media.ebaumsworld.com/picture/Locke403/EpicAcne.png
  3. what were you in when you raced this cobra?
  4. i went from a 1 to a 13 in 3 hours lol im so worn out from playing hahaha
  5. Considering im the shops delivery bitch. Thats why!
  6. i want my name in yellow
  7. you should pull further up on that curb Jeff
  8. i got a roller for you. Asking $1,400. PM me or call me 614-582-7301 You can take a look at it anytime you want.
  9. oh8sti

    Burn Them

    we need Dexter Morgan
  10. Happy Veterans day men and woman! Thank you!
  11. oh8sti

    Columbus Racing?

    federal pound me in the forum prison!!!
  12. oh8sti


    where can i get a copy? i dont want to buy it....thats the thing about it. i just want to play it and then get rid of it.
  13. oh8sti

    Columbus Racing?

    Im gonna total my car.
  14. oh8sti

    Columbus Racing?

    whoa!! Paul got banned for rufflin some of Bens feathers? How dare Paul do such a thing, im sure he was wrong in whatever he called ben out on!! Doesnt he know that the said motorcycle wrecking cryface is a mod?!! see you guys in a few days.
  15. oh8sti

    Mc ribs

    im sitting in class and started laughing outloud at this Alex. Epic
  16. i heard it and thought i had some paranormal activity goin on in my attic. It was shakin the whole house.
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