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About Akula

  • Birthday 05/29/1973

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  • Vehicles(s)
    Cars mostly

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Show the site to an old woman and ask her what you get if you buy. If she can't answer it, no one will buy.
  2. A robots.txt file tells a crawler-bot (google for example) where it can and cannot go. If you add directives to keep a bot away, an attacker can read the file and tell where your vulnerabilities are. If you want people to know about your product, you have to spend money. We all bought ipods because apple crammed them down our throats via a multi-million dollar campaign. Right now if I Google tac pack, I get another company with a product called tac pack. That will make SEO difficult. From your website I can't really tell what it is you sell or what I would buy. Might take a look at that and see if you can get the site to a point where I would easily understand what I get.
  3. I have a myQ, I like it. You cannot open the door via the app, only close. Tells me status.
  4. Might also want to look at keywords you are competing with. http://www.tacticaltailor.com/tacpack.aspx
  5. First, I would fix my robots.txt so it doesn't name paths to parts of the site like /admin . Next I would specify the "who we are" type information in the adbots section as allowed. Now, I would get a GMAIL account for the business. They use keywords in gmail to feed the bots. Then I would use your company name as much as possible in the email. Finally, you can pay for SEO and really that is not the best way but its the fastest. Unless you are good with python and URL libraries so you can write your own searching tool and get yourself up higher. your robots.txt needs help yo! # we use Shopify as our ecommerce platform User-agent: * Disallow: /admin Disallow: /cart Disallow: /orders Disallow: /checkout Disallow: /6799055/checkouts Disallow: /carts Disallow: /account Disallow: /collections/*+* Disallow: /collections/*%2B* Disallow: /collections/*%2b* Disallow: /blogs/*+* Disallow: /blogs/*%2B* Disallow: /blogs/*%2b* Sitemap: http://www.tacpack.com/sitemap.xml # Google adsbot ignores robots.txt unless specifically named! User-agent: adsbot-google Disallow: /checkout Disallow: /carts Disallow: /orders Disallow: /6799055/checkouts User-agent: Nutch Disallow: /
  6. Parag is out there now and I will be there in a few weeks, perhaps you could attend the Risk game.
  7. Since no cable provider supplies us here in this part of Hilliard, we don't really notice these things.
  8. I have had Sam do work for me. I would have him take a look at it.
  9. Sorry to hear about this Bill. Parag is making his way to SF and pinged me. Let us know how we can help.
  10. NPR did a good segment on the outbreak, it has some pretty heave economic and social impacts on that part of Africa. I think we should load a few folks up and bring them to the US. Wait, we did that.
  11. Ok, I am going to be in the Bay Area the week of the 18th. Parag is moving there as I hired him at the new place. Fear not man, we are on the way. @Mensan, lets make sure we all get together. DM me your phone number.
  12. Once cut down the little bugs are still in there. Burning it is how you fix them.
  13. If you have Ash trees, be ready to replace them. I have a pile of ground branches from a golf course, its huge. Once you get them, EAB kills all the Ash trees near you. If your trees started growing little branches at weird places on the trunk or if some branches suddenly die, probably EAB. Look at your existing trees. If you have it, cut them down and burn the whole works.
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