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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. Buy a Ducati, Triumph, KTM RC8, something not everyone has/has had then you can say your somewhat original. But buying CBRs is the same as buying GSXRs and R1-R6....its a litter bike. There is no originality. Dont get me wrong, still like your bikes lol
  2. Hilter? The fuck you talking Rob?
  3. oh8sti


    i would cut my own neck...
  4. Seriously what is this world coming to. Im just going to get one of those license plate filters that only can be seen through from directly behind. That'll show um!
  5. when have you seen my yard Rob?
  6. If your lying about this C6 imma do this to your face. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_JmpkIMgnzIE/SXCmiCSWCGI/AAAAAAAAX2g/WQ8xYOzwL6k/s400/1.jpg
  7. http://www.nullamatix.com/images/I-dunno-lol.jpg
  8. oh8sti

    1:01 am

    whoaaaa, thats a stretch! i think you have that one in a bag ....wel maybe not in the last 36 hours.....*passes crown back*
  9. you look desperate with the caps on broseph.
  10. oh8sti

    1:01 am

    IM GAY??? YOUR THE ONE THAT JUST BOUGHT A C6 TURRRRRRRD! kidding of course. I would be honored if you would blow my mirrors off this weekend.
  11. oh8sti

    1:01 am

    im thinkin of just fappin till i fall asleep.....
  12. Lol should that be labled :nws: ?
  13. Happy birthday. If you like what you see and want some more give me a ring at 614-582-7301...........i work late http://funny-birthday.net/pictures/birthday-pictures/9.jpg
  14. you changed you name ryan! I want a name change!!
  15. Well said. This makes me mad as hell reading this. What hospital do you think he was taken to? whats Local?
  16. i see what you did there. I like it man....ALOT.
  17. Me, showing a little somethin somethin to the camera. That in the background is my blind senior english teacher. She was a dopey slut. http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v339/38/5/547872467/n547872467_1330203_9680.jpg Here is one of me and my significant other http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2730/38/5/547872467/n547872467_2406731_4566214.jpg Im on the left, dad is behind on the right....he is big. http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v378/38/5/547872467/n547872467_1582639_8315.jpg
  18. WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!! wait what was it? you fool!
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