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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. This thread is pointless. Can a mod delete this so it stops coming up?
  2. Why would anyone do that? If he really wants one he would find it himself. He wouldn't need you to be a middle man.
  3. Don't be a pussy. Get that hummer H2 you've always dreamt of.
  4. oh8sti

    Moving Sale

    Bump! Jerseys are gone
  5. Sorry no white ones as of now.
  6. Text me again, I moved to NA and have shit for verizon service
  7. oh8sti

    Moving Sale

    Taking reasonable offers on all items Jerseys are gone
  8. Taking reasonable offers on all items
  9. oh8sti

    Moving Sale

    I may reach out to them. Thanks for the heads up!
  10. oh8sti

    Moving Sale

    Im moving this week. I have a bunch of random stuff I've collected over the years of traveling and dont want to take them with me to the new place. I have a watch thread that is just watches, so this one will be everything else. Everything is either gently used or brand new. Im discounting everything generously right off the bat so be reasonable with offers. Remember these are all new items with tags unless noted otherwise. ** I will remove an item once its sold and hopefully will be adding items as I pack/unbox. ** Call/Text with any questions 614-582-7301 - Michael Brand New - Red/Black - Nixon Tamarack Backpack Retails for $70 CR Price $40 http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/008329B1-4C11-4B06-BA46-6F01A0463012_zpsrlhubyue.jpg http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/A5AD8F87-C6E8-46E8-9456-CFE0EAC909AF_zps7x0swqka.jpg Brand New - Green/Grey Leaf - Nixon Tamarack Backpack Retails for $70 CR Price $40 http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/530F5FC8-6C2C-4DBA-882C-006D83ED9A7B_zpsgtklpart.jpg http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/69A25098-36C8-42FD-A9E8-06AD4AF18DF4_zpsrfczkdce.jpg Carved iPhone 6 case - Custom Ohio Outline - Great protection without bulk CR Price: $10 http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/E27408BA-0354-4625-8C09-5B3D6C984E0B_zpsseoioqwl.jpg Carved iPhone 6 case - Anchor design - Great protection without bulk CR Price: $10 http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/81F6E72C-E2E1-423F-9707-D0CCDEE0154A_zpsokessxhy.jpg Carved iPhone 6 case - Made out of skateboard deck w/ brass buttons CR Price: $10 http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/88C82DB2-5985-4E95-B1DD-3522EA2E6ED4_zpslfiasfl9.jpg Oakley Holbrooks - Black w/ 24k Gold Lenses - Used - No Box CR Price: $50 http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/D8028173-BF6D-4DD2-8D00-956570C7E4EE_zpsoqmiyjhm.jpg http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/D84899B0-18A6-43BE-8D1C-82EF89ED2A6D_zpsbzgg9f45.jpg http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/B1FC7E38-B8D7-44EE-AFF2-322ACDC999B8_zpsu2tghnsl.jpg http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/F225C65A-B1A2-4355-A637-D2B1591307FC_zpsd23eyurp.jpg
  11. Make some offers boys. I know some of you have texted me in the last few months about them. I'm home for the time being, so I can meet up around the polaris area.
  12. Graduate college, blow life savings on a Porsche in an unstable job enviorment? This will end in only 1 way, with you losing money and most likely butchering a good 930/964.
  13. You don't understand it then. That's okay. I have no problem putting ANY type of bike on one now that I've used it before.
  14. Also, return it to Walmart when you are done. Problem solved
  15. Or get a rack made for motorcycles that sits on the hitch. I did that a week ago. Worked flawlessly and no need for a gay ass trailer
  16. Just taking my cars to the detailers! sorry
  17. good luck. If i find a decent 911 for $20k, I'm buying it haha
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