I had a dream last night that I couldn't watch the first half of the game and I turned it on halfway through the 2nd quarter. They were showing replays of the game thus far.
Game starts - OSU is recieving - we run it back for a TD right off the bat.
We kick it off to Bama - they struggle to make any plays and on 3rd down Bosa drops back in coverage and ends up snagging a low thrown ball - he runs it back for a TD. The stadium is beyond nuts.
We kick it off to them again and they drive into our territory - they settle for a FG.
I swith to the Oregon game and the score is 6-7 FSU leading with a TD and Oregon is 2 FG's in.
Keep in mind this is like 4min left in the 1st half.
Anyway, just wanted to put this on paper incase Im onto something here :fa: