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Everything posted by big_hoss

  1. So what is the correct way to use seafoam I was told to put some in the oil some in the gas tank and and then take the rest of the can and suck it up through the gas line staright into the carbs hook my gas line back up run the bike at a high idol for 10 to 15 minutes while it smoke then jump on the bike and take for a ride until all the smoke stops i want to try it but want to make sure for someone who knows

  2. MY INTURDUCTION TO OHIORIDER Whats up everybody? I am new to Ohioriders and am not yet familiar with this whole site. I am from Ashtabula Ohio and I LOVE LOVE LOVE to ride. I have a 91 Honda CBR f2. I have just 1 riding buddy so if there is anyone in or around Ashtabula County looking to go ride hit me up. I try to ride EVERYDAY if possible. I would just like to say thanx to those who made this site and to the stranger that put the card on my bike. I look forward to some of the posted Bike Nights and Poker Runs
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