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Everything posted by scottb

  1. yeah, seems like there is always the "next one" . Nope, I am going for a "real deal" big boy pistol, eventually the CHL piece, then another Rem 870 for hunting and trap, unless i can get a good deal on a trap shotty. Ok,......... must...........stay.............focused........oh, yeah, pistol, looking at the sig P250 or the XD series
  2. CHL soon, but looking for home protection pistol, and one for the wife. She is a lefty.
  3. I liked the XD. Also looking for a pistol for my dad. So, the next part of the equation is what brand to get ...just throwing this out too for the benefit of the OP.
  4. So this got me thinking, in pistols that can be either 9mm, 40 or 45, do you go for the more capacity with the 9mm, a few less with the 40 or even more less with 45. From Sig's website = (9mm) 17 Rounds, (.357 SIG,.40 S&W) 14 Rounds, (.45ACP) 10 Rounds http://www.sigsauer.com/Products/ShowCatalogProductDetails.aspx?categoryid=54&productid=66 I am leaning towards some some type of semi auto pistol, either in 9mm or 40.
  5. Correct, first you get your hunting license, then you also need to get a turkey tag. I used my 12 guage. Not sure what gauge would work best, I suspect the type of shell/load used?
  6. Well, after further review, it does kinda look like ( insert whoever famous person here ) for the right price
  7. I looked behind my sofa and all I found was a few cat toys, a straw and an old potato chip.
  8. I also got to shoot trap on Sunday morning. Same deal, borrowed gun, a Browning Citori (sp?) very nice over / under with a 32 inch barrel and a skeet choke tube. First time up, I hit 5 out of 25, and the second time up i hit 12 out of 25. I am definately hooked on trap.
  9. I will go back out and try again for turkey. I do have the hunting bug. I would have to do the "gut check" if i wanted to go for deer. I am not sure I would be able to actually shoot a deer.
  10. Went out to Jefferson ohio to go turkey hunting this Saturday. Kinda long post here. so if you dont to read all this, scroll to the end to see the result. This was my first time hunting anythng, ever. My friend Dave lives out that way. The whole exerience was great. Going back a few weeks, I started to shop for getting the camo related gear i would need. Dave let me borrow a barrel for the Remington 870, and his camo to fill in the gaps of what i did not purchase. I got my hunting license and the turkey tag. So, getting up at 5 AM, walking in the woods in the dark with only a small flashlight for guidance started off our day. We got to our location by about 6:15 AM. So now, just waiting for sun rise. Dave had already scouted out the area and pick a few locations that he felt would be good spots to set up. We got a spot just inside the treeline and next to a large soybean field that was just harvested last week. The plan being to get them at morning feeding. Sitting mostly still and being quite for hours is harder then it sounds. Your back starts to hurt, your feet go numb, my you take some really long blinks and you dose off alittle. Just hearing all the outdoor noises, acorns falling from trees, chipmunks running up branches, crows making noise was relaxing. In the fall turkeys dont make alot of noise like they do in the spring. Around 10 AM, we relocated about 100 yards into the woods. A short time later, you can hear turkeys making noises in the area we just left. Frustrating!! We found a spot that had 2 large trees about 10 feet apart. I picked the tree closest to the field and my line of sight was from 9 oclock to 3 oclock, assumng the turkeys would come from the field side. My friend was facing the 9 oclock position of the second tree, in case the turkeys came from the woods side. Dave started using his turkey calls. We hear a another turkey respond. I only know what a turkey call sounds like from watching hunting shows and a couple videos on youtube. The responding turkey call sounded too perfect. I assumed it was another hunter, even though we should have been the only people hunting on this 86 acres of land we were on. So, dave calls back, and I actually see the turkey coming towards us, about 25 yards away. The turkeys approach was about my 11 oclock postion. The better shooting would have been from the 12 oclock to 3 oclock, more open space and less samplings. My heart is racing, to actually see a turkey!! Slowly I raise my shotgun and line up the sights and I start tracking the turkey as he is moving to the left. Now, turkeys kinda bob their heads when they walk. As I am following the turkey, there are 4 little trees that were in the way. In the clear space between the tress, was when the turkeys head was down. The turkey keeps walking left and i realize i am about out of pivot room to take the shot. So, I am thinking alot of thoughts all at the same time, " hey wow a turkey," and i MIGHT be able to get him, as i am panning with the barrel sighted on him, ok, i am bout to take a shot, then dang tree is in the way , dang, he ducked his head, ....I did not waste the morning by taking a sloppy shot. Since I could not pivot around anymore to continue tracking this bird, i whispered to Dave, "Take him, he is yours" and millisecond later BANG Dave takes the shot......... It was a miss. Dave's line of fire had some vines and small tress too. I will go back out and try again
  11. Last time i went to stonewall with the shotgun it was $20 an hour. There is a brand called Pardner, it is a clone of a Remington 870, around $200. Remington has produced literally 10 million 870 shotguns, so i am just about any place would have a used 870. I started the addiction, err hobby, at the beginning of the year and have 3 firearms. My first purchase was a remington 870 12 gauge home defense with the 2 round extention. I payed way too much for it ( $425) but wanted one, so i got it. Since it only has an 18 inch barrel, i am not sure it would work out too well skeet shooting, so i will pick another 870 for skeet and hunting.
  12. Glad to hear there were no issues with the the new addition. Most of the sporting good store like Dick's has 100 round packs of federal target loads for about $20-$22. Good for all around fun.
  13. I bought mine in January of this year and probably over paid, it cost $425. I see a standard wood stock 870 at an outdoor place by me is on sale for $239.. I have about 200 rounds through mine, and works well. When i first got it, I had an issue where the spent round would not eject, but the problem went away after about 50 rounds.
  14. My extention was on it when i got it out of the box, so I assume Remington brand? The model number on the box is 25077. So with the 2 round extention, the barrel and the mag tube are the same length. I have found it will be almost the same price for me to buy a seond 870 shotgun then it would be to purchase a second barrrel. I plan to get a second 870 for turkey hunting and skeet shooting. I am using a borrowed barrel with my current 870 to go turkey hunting next saturday. I almost prefer to get a second 870 so my home defense 870 will not see the elements. Here is what i have: http://www.remington.com/products/firearms/shotguns/model-870/model-870-express-synthetic-7-round.aspx
  15. Congrats on your purchase. I have the same style 870, except I have the 2 round extention on the mag tube. My 18.5 barrel is a cylinder bore and not threaded for screw in chokes, not that you would need a choke for home defense. I do know that this set up kicks hard. No sure if it is due to the synthetic stock and short barrel, or if all 12 gauges are like that. After about 15 rounds, your shoulder will feel it.
  16. hey guys , i am not able to make it this saturday.
  17. I will be leaving Bedford 271/480 around 9 am and taking 271 to 90. So if anybody else wants to ride out that way, let me know.
  18. Kosmo, you can ride with me and Kel. Ok last year it was probably a good idea that somebody tried to take the steak knife away from me, but next time wait till I actually cut up food first...
  19. Remington has produced over 10 million 870 pump shotguns. I have a 870 Express synthetic stock, 7 round model. I am borrowing a barrel and will go turkey hunting with it. I plan to purchase another 870 to use for skeet. When i was looking for a shotgun, i narrowed down my choice between the Mossburg 500 and the Remington 870. I choose the 870 based on numerous people that i know that own this model and the affordablity.
  20. I know where the last tag was ( in the valley) and the current tag are, might get the current tag Wednesday.
  21. I'll go. I saw Vance outdoors has Remington 870 for $269. I am currently getting ready for my first turkey hunt Oct 9th. My Rem 870 has an 18 inch barrel, so i need a new shoty.
  22. I have a wall with a cork board message holder and half cup of room temp coffee. I could pull some of the thumb tacks of the cork board and put them on the ground for the zombies to walk on. Then i could throw the coffee mug at the lead zombie, after that, i am out of options.
  23. This sounds like a great time, but i wont be able to make it, Andover sportsman raffle Sat Sept 11 so that makes Sunday side job day.
  24. When I bought my Katana, I was able to road test it,eventually. Now the rest of the story..... I found out about the bike being for sale from my friend at the motorcycle shop. My friend had worked on the bike over the winter and knew the last 5 years history of this bike, since he was the one who worked on this bike. So, I was pretty much going to buy this bike just solely on my friends word. But I did want to look at and ride the bike just to make sure was still in the condition my friend remembering it. My friend and I show up at the sellers house. Friend gives the bike a visual once over. Then I asked to road test the bike down the street. Seller says no. So, I said ok, not interested in the bike then if i cant ride it. Seller allows mechanic friend to ride bike. Friend says bike is operational, good condition. So, I asked again about riding the bike. This time, seller asks my friend if I know how to ride, even though I am standing right next to him. Friend says yes I know how to ride. Seller finally agrees and I ride the bike down the street. I was going to buy the bike after my friend rode it. But I wanted to ride it just to make sure I fit on the bike and felt confortable on it. Thank you for still reading this. When I sold my last 2 street bikes, here is how those went. Sold my very first bike to a long time friend. No worries about allowing him to ride it. When I sold the Katana, buyer did not ride it and did not want to ride it.
  25. I have not been to any recent concerts. From a showmanship, production side, Garth Brooks was probably the best concert. Then Posion / Tesla show. Nickleback/ 3 doors Down at Blossom was ok. I will never go to another Micheal Stanley concert, ( not that he plays anymore) I seen his farewell tour about 10 times. his last farewell tour should have been called, "yeah, this time i mean it" and then actually retire.
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