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Posts posted by Alstare03

  1. I fear nothing!

    I'm sure i can find a few pictures on the net that you wouldn't want to touch with a 10 foot pole and 2 bags over both your heads!

    Sounds like an awesome time you all are planning.

    Not knowing where you live and i believe it just says C-Bus +1 mile i could make something like that work. please post up final plans and ill cage it on down.

  2. soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo can i call them and ask the person who answers the phone if i can be a MF'ing Whitey Cracka ass *****? cause the only new part from what i hear from the inmates at work is the MF'ing part. otherwise im probably everything they say i am because well im the minority :)

    Edit: on a side note i can type out MF'er and not have it ****** out but the WORD ***** is ***** and thats not the "N" bomb....

  3. Next one... that's fine, but what do I do about the one I have NOW!?

    shall i call them and find out for you?

    "Ummm yea, it says in your add for my friends NEXT Erection, Ummmm what should he do with his Erection that he currently has now?

    Hmmmm I see, ill let him know that you meant Erection as in buildings and such, Sorry to have wasted your time but it did say the word Erection in it so we wasn't clear!"


  4. posted yesterday by the same numbnuts who chopped off his finger tips :

    "Student, and I actually am doing the hiring process for a local Police Department. They said I should be okay for my gun training that starts the 31st of this month. I'm left handed luckily. What bothers me is that I should have known better. I am by no means mechanically inept, I'm not sure why I did it."

    to prove the point that cops are dumb, even ones in training!!!!

    September only has 30 days in it!!!! :lol:

  5. I have the utmost respect for anyone volunteering to put their lives in discomfort & danger while serving on our behalf over there........ But DAMN I sure hope these wars hurry up & get over SOON!!

    It's been goin' on too long already, with no end in sight

    +1 Well Stated!! I served in the Army for 4 years, thinking back I would only have 7 more years to go for my 20 now, but i got injured while doing Night Op Training and jacked my back and neck up pretty bad. Instead of sticking it out and doing P.T. in basicly dead mans profile, i decided to get out and move on. I've had several Long time Friends go over seas including my Step-Dad Most of them came home in one piece, but NOT all of them came home.... Tell Doyle and his men to be Strong and Keep their heads down, and We'll see them soon!

    I truely wish they would Bring our men and women home to their families and friends:cool:

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