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Everything posted by Alstare03

  1. im on a bike im on a boom :
  2. it must have been a mid-afternoon fight dont ppl 60 and over go to bed before 8pm? WTF is a 65 yr old doing swinging on ppl, WHAT no one younger had the balls to do it?
  3. at 65 mph using a 1.3mp LG Voyager what did you want a close up? next time ill keep that in mind ill try to almost run them over to get as close as i can to take the pic. :D:D
  4. http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=34906018&albumID=2935165&imageID=65156544
  5. Mr. Anderson i think your Sig is backwards shouldn't it read Free Disease and Single? jk:D:D:D
  6. WHOA! There is someone out there claiming to be a Kyle "The Whiner" Busch fan??? That's Absurd!
  7. in that case i take back my previous post, maybe you are an asshole :D:D jk sam
  8. deep down you would have been thinking about "what if this happened to one of my sheep!" then your guilt would have stepped in! First step is denial and we're not talking about rivers!
  9. sam you fix your Aero issue yet with that head of yours?
  10. And why Would an Off-Topic post get moved? and where would you move it to? the Off-Off-Topic? not trying to be a smartass but i was gonna put it in the Central thread but thought it better suited the off-topic area.
  11. I mean srsly i didnt put him on the bike, i didnt make him go ride without a helmet, gloves, denim (at least, not his wind pants and wind jacket). But if i would have rear ended him i would have felt like shit for running him over. I quote: "There is no pills for STUPID!"
  12. But i was told not to mess with "To many of his sheep" i guess those are off limits until sam comes home! it's ok sam i understand the bond you have with them. P.S. Fonzie i wont tell.... :sheepfucker: and he never said anything about the Hens!!! As they say in the prison system Snitches get Stitches and end up in Ditches!
  13. If you ride a new Honda CBR1000RR Red and Silver License Plate KCHUP, Learn to ride asshat! not only did i damn near rear end you at the cloverleaf 270/33 (getting on 33 heading towards marysville) but your 30mph fast line stunt about got me ass ended too! GET SOME GEAR, if you can afford a new bike you can afford a damned helmet, jacket, gloves and some riding footwear! i really enjoyed your 100mph+ passing skills just to cut off a car in the right lane and slow to a crawling 50mph! KCHUP, LMAO yea i did 3 times as you sped past and slowed down in the right lane and cause traffic behind you to merge left in a panic as to not rear end you. Your driving skills and lack of proper gear give riders on sport bikes like myself a bad rep. i was really wishing you was heading into marysville so i could follow your SQUID ass and really give you a piece of my mind as to how you handle your ride and your riding skills, instead you took the St.RT. 31 exit heading to kenton. I'll be looking for you!!! P.S. Pictures to come once i upload them from phone incase anyone else sees this SQUID riding around the area!
  14. go with lime green, should keep the witnesses away from your doorstep, cause i would think you was crazy to paint it that color. just a option:D:D:D
  15. get full coverage and and just let it go bro. its a car / bike whatever. i understand its yours and no one should touch it. problem is thiefs dont give to shits about ur stuff. they look at what can i get for it after i grab it.
  16. well i will say this, i bought my 03 gsx-r alstare feb 04 in Meat chicken (michigan) monroe, Rays powersports to be exact. not only did i have to pay the meat chicken taxes but when i tagged it in ohio in 05 i had to pay the OHIO taxes too. so be prepared for that. p.s. i wouldnt tell my worst enemy to buy from rays powersports in monroe michigan. they dont care what then sell to you, their service record blows. when i went up there to resolve an issue i had there was a line at the counter of ppl who recently purchased new bikes and didnt get half of what was ordered or the wrong bike was shipped to them(phone orders).
  17. i guess no one goes to the calendar tuesday bike night at little tonys pizzaria in marysville. stopped by tonight to check it, yea some lame band (no offence) was playing 1 shadow in the Rear parking hiding in the corner, yea i just kept on cruisin thru the parking lot and made my way out the way i came in. Not even the local marysville ppl was there to support it. guess we could remove it from the calendar????:(
  18. OMFG MOM IS THAT YOU?!?!?!
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