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Posts posted by Alstare03

  1. BEER!


    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlULgi92zK8&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlULgi92zK8&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

    Got a 20oz of WOW today at WallyWorld for $.69. Would'a thought all the little pimply faced nerd kids drank that stuff up at full price as soon as it came out :wtf:

    Only place I've ever seen that stuff was Indiana, IIRC

  2. Myself, I am not a crackhead but im pretty sure u have your drugs confused. i thought crackheads smoked crack??? and shot up Heroin??? Snort coke or BLOW as these foos on here like to refer to. so a crackhead wont like to feel needles anyway unless said crackhead was also a heroin addict I'm thinking.If I am wrong please enlighten me, either way Mt.Dew still sucks.

    Who drinks Mt Dew for the thirst quenching ability? Thats like doing crack because you like the feel of needles piercing your skin... Doesnt make sense.

    But i dont like Mt Dew either so...

  3. Sam may be off a bit everyday, did i say that outloud? Need a Time Frame for this coming Saturday ppl! i know the place, i know what to bring (sheepskins for sams place right?) just need a time. i should probably go to cridersville this week some day and pick up pads for the back and some fluids, hell might as well change the oil in the bike while im at it huh. DAMN you brother your costing me an arm and a leg here on this bike! FS: 03 GSX-R Alstare 4K miles +/- 100 6k firm as is seen in picture!

    I think next Saturday would probably be fine

    What's your off day gonna be now Sam?

  4. Ok Fonzie, Why they all gotta be "Little Pimply Faced Nerd Kids"? my two godsons play wow, neither of them have acne, nor does Kyle or myself. BUT MT. DEW SUCKS BALLS anyways. i drink one then drink another cause i dont feel like i drank the first one at all. no thrist quenching at all!

    Got a 20oz of WOW today at WallyWorld for $.69. Would'a thought all the little pimply faced nerd kids drank that stuff up at full price as soon as it came out :wtf:

    Only place I've ever seen that stuff was Indiana, IIRC

  5. all those blank (
    ) Pics really allow me to explore my inner thoughts about what the coach was really doing, and i bet it involved some of sambusa farm animals!!! BAD SAM BAD!

    Did the Coach look anything like Fonzie in any of those pics? He came up missing for a bit around that time frame if i remember correctly.

  6. A couple years back i did the Dumbest thing since getting married.... i traded in a 02 stang GT for a 04 accord EX.... My thought was i drive 110 miles a day back and forth to work i might as well get a good gas driver for work.... SOB this POS only gets 2 mpg better then my GT... GOOD GAME! what went so wrong with honda motors getting that almighty 40+mpg my POS wont hit 30mpg with me driving it downhill at 55mph for 100 miles! needless to say i put myself an extra 11k in debt for 2mpg = 30miles a tank!!! honda can blow me!

    That is all, continue on with life now. <End Honda Rant>

  7. easy fix for the downfall of the U.S.

    Make everyone 50 and over Retire(unemployment issues Resolved)

    Give said Retirees (One Million Dollars Each/Per Couple) the BILLIONS they gave the car companys on the conditions that they:

    BUY a HOUSE (housing issues resolved)

    Buy a NEW AMERICAN CAR (Auto Industry issues resolved)

    Make the healthcare system free for WORKING People and Retirees (Helps reduces the Welfare Issues)

    I think that idea is MUCH BETTER then the Crisis we are all in currently!

  8. Damn Sam i just saw a picture of you. Did you get into a Fight with a Razor and lose the battle? was you doing a handstand when you shaved?

    Shaving 101

    Step 1: shave the face not the Whole HEAD!

    Step 2: Skip shaving the top of said head

    Step 3: Repeat step one every 1-3 days!

    Fonzie :

    SILF :plus1:

  9. Nope, but i have a neighbor with an outdoor ATV/moto track just outside of lakeview (North of Lakeview on Co. Rd. 87 just off U.S. Route 33) and I'm sure its lot cheaper then $30 daily riding and $20 yearly rates. BUT hey its indoors compared to outdoor, and I don't think they will be having any DWC Wrestling Matches at my neighbors anytime soon. lol

  10. is it to late to change it up a bit? just the 50 mill in the underwear drawer part... 49 mill in the underwear drawer and 1 mill to buy that Miss Teen-South Carolina Ho some Hookers and Blow. Maybe she'll OD on the blow B4 the hookers get there and we'll just party it up with them!

    Fixed It for ya...

    Me? Buy every last fucker in the US a map to shut this ho up... :D

  11. How many of you go to Little Tony's Tuesdays? i was gonna ride up that way last night but got sidetracked on the way, stopped in bellefontaine and never made it to Marysville. Just wondering who all I'd meet up with.

  12. 120 mill

    5 million = hooker and not blow

    5 million = blow and not hookers

    5 million = on my little ponies

    5 million = on a 1mph faster street legal mustang just to prove a point

    25 million = anything not yet mentioned

    5 million = cancer research foundations (good cause and tax write offs)

    50 million = in my underwear drawer (big ass dresser)

    20 million = house/cars/bikes/more hookers/more blow

    any questions?

  13. not sure where this party is but im sure glad i dont live in the SW ohio area. almost sounds like some farm animals might get involved. Get better soon man.

    That's true, I've never dismounted Matt before and had anything but a smile on my face, hes usually got a smile on his face too, and pubes in his teeth.
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