I haven't been yet. The one in Mentor is like 10 minutes from my shack but I have heard of some crazy wait times there as it is always packed. It sounds good though.
I am looking to refinance my current shack and also have my mortgage guy run my soon to be wife's numbers as well in hopes of buying another house in her name. I will let you know. Thanks!
Seems like too nice of a house to rent. Let me know if you decide to sell, as I may be interested. It looks relatively close to where I live now in Willoughby.
Hello, recently we adopted a new puppy and the experience has been great thus far. He doesn't really destroy anything while we are gone but seems to have a fancy for pulling dvd's off the shelf and chewing on them. He has only done this a few times but it got to me thinking. I don't remember the last time I pulled a movie off the shelf and watched it. This leads me to think I should sell them. I have over 400 DVD's and am looking for advice on the best way to get rid of them. I am a powerseller on Ebay and am familiar with Half.com. I have also heard words about sites like secondspin.com as well. I am thinking the best option would just be to list them as lots of 50 or so on fleabay just to cut down on shipping. I guess I am mostly looking for advice regarding this secondspin.com. It seems very easy to get rid of your stuff and I have heard they offer fair prices but the reviews are mixed. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
My brother lives in Maine. Like the person above stated Acadia is awesome. I believe it is the second most visited national park in the country. My dad rode up there 2 years ago. The weather didn't really cooperate with him but he said the scenary was pretty nice. My dad is also 64 y/o so he probably just did it to say he did. Lol
I know Adventure Jeep in Willoughby takes bikes. I saw 4-5 Harleys in their showroom around this time last year. I cannot speak to the quality of the dealer but they seem very popular around here.
I have witnessed many of these Tug O Wars at Yankee Lake. It always amazed me how peope drive their expensive diesels off the street and beat on them. I saw some guy in a Powerstroke break his front drive shaft "pulling off" with someone.