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Posts posted by timotheus

  1. He sounds like one of those tube toys...the ones with the little plastic disk inside that make it laugh like that...it was funny. I didn't laugh out loud though...so it wasn't really that funny...he certainly doesn't deserve his own website in my opinion. The girl was sort of funny, but her laugh is mostly just annoying.

    good god !!!!....i wonder what it takes to make you laugh out loud ? :D

  2. Navy (retired) guy I work with says you have to be at least 6 feet tall to be in the Coast Guard - so that when your ship sinks you can walk to shore! :D

    Kidding, kidding!

    Thanks to all current and retired military personnel for your service!

    i am 6 feet tall so i did survive, a ship that was identical to mine was rammed and sunk just before i went to boot camp....lost about half the crew (guess they were under 6 foot)

  3. when i was young i went for a ride with my cousins in copley (just west of akron i think), they drove up and down the streets smashing mailboxes, i couldnt believe it.....made me sick. i probably should have turned them in but we were taught never to rat someone out so i didnt.

  4. I was never a Buell fan; twins are just not my style. I do however have respect for them after I have ridden with a few people on them. I haven't ridden with too many people here but I do know that south of Millersburg the Buells can stay with ANY Jap sport bike. I am also led to believe that there are multiple bikes that people have ridden to over 30K miles; most sport bike riders don't but that kind of miles on their bikes. (I said most I know we have people here that do.) Trust me these bikes aren't the lame pieces of shit I thought they were. If you think they are lame it is only because you don't have any real world experience with them. I was guilty of the same prejudice. Would I buy one? No but I'm not going to buy a SV either unless it's for my girlfriend.

    The dumbass trying to sell this bike is in laa, laa land. I don’t know this market very well but it looks like it’s valued between $2,000 and $2,600 using a couple different sources. The Buell guys would probably have a better picture of what they are going for.

    i dont hate buell, its just that there are sooooo many other bikes i would rather have for 4k

  5. 73 and partly cloudy here in Key Largo, FL, trying to find a place that rents scooters. What is this snow you speak of? ;)

    bastard :p .....ok that was envy talking

  6. come people complain that they are too hard but that is why they are comfortable, they dont deform like soft mushy stock seats. they require a short break-in period also. i have had them on my last 4 bikes and i have been very happy with them

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