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Mr. Jones

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Everything posted by Mr. Jones

  1. One of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. (outside the NWS Section)
  2. I claim you, court jester of Derpville.
  3. I fully admit I am slow. Therefore, anyone that loses to me, is retard slow. Therefore, this thread is full of retard slow people. DA END
  4. Without E-Fights, CR would be 3 posts a day..
  5. I'm so torn on these cameras. Nikon V1 came out and I was like WHOAH..then I realized it wasn't so small once you carried around the lenses and I should probably buy a DSLR instead. Sony NEX-7 same thing, holy crap, that thing is nice. Even got to play with one and loved it. Looked at the cost, and all I saw was DSLR.. Our P&S's are Both Canon's (SX35 & G12). The SX is the mega zoomer and the G12 has really good low light, more options, and over all better quality. I can't see going anywhere else from here, than to a DSLR and enjoy all 3.
  6. Where the hell is everyone?
  7. SRSLY looks like Trowel, except not as fat.
  8. PS: Highly recommend LIMBO if you haven't played it. Such a great little game for 2 bucks. PPS: Rage is proving to be quit entertaining.
  9. YA DON'T SAY? http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=105208
  10. I love it when you talk dirty.
  11. I would however skip the ugly wheel, and smashed car options also shown.
  12. http://s51.radikal.ru/i134/1003/43/51b7a057095f.jpg
  13. Mr. Jones

    New guy

    Great color! Welcome.
  14. Been following this on FB, can't wait to see it out @ HD some night. When you adding boost or n20? :masturboy:
  15. Hey, Could you point out where Paul was thread shitting? That is a infractable offense and we'll deal with it.... Unless you are talking about this post in the kitchen? In that case.... http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Deal+with+it_489430_3624228.jpg
  16. I sure hope they make people sign a waiver before taking that beast out on the streets. God only knows what will happen with 160tq at the wheels!
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