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Mr. Jones

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Everything posted by Mr. Jones

  1. Wish you brought it out, could have had a twins battle! :lolguy:
  2. Ignore the hate, and be happy man. PP's gonna PP.
  3. The more I hear about texas, the more I like it.
  4. Says the man who got chewed out on facebook by baby mama for looking at vettes. http://i.imgur.com/YoNqPzy.jpg
  5. Mr. Jones

    Walking Dead

    I can't believe Rick died.
  6. http://i.imgur.com/8Oq03Uv.gif
  7. http://i.imgur.com/Qyf1u1x.gif
  8. Some pranksters removed your rear bumper when you weren't looking.
  9. I understand all of that completely. Today however, Tim and the rest of us, are at far greater risk of dying from the flu, an errant meteorite, or a bad taco than from ebola.
  10. We've "beaten" the flu and yet it kills 50k+ year?
  11. Where is Tim's campaign against the flu? The flu kills more people in 1 year than have ever been killed by Ebola.
  12. I like it actually.... Love the sound of the 6.2.
  13. Well done Sam. http://i.imgur.com/DJPBfRX.jpg
  14. Mr. Jones


    Just had to open his mouth..
  15. AUTO LOL. But still, I'm really REALLY digging this car..
  16. ^Correct. Charging with the USB 3.0 cable is faster, but you can use any normal 2.0 cable as well.
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