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Mr. Jones

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Everything posted by Mr. Jones

  1. 1.8t's should stay at k04 levels. It's all down hill when you go BT...
  2. PS: the 870 file will support just about anything you can throw at it. Once you start shooting for 400awhp+ you either better have a good understanding of what you are doing or have a tuner you can trust and don't mind spending some money on to get it right.
  3. You didn't hear, it bought it modded. Came with the SLP Hopes & Dreams package.
  4. Sorry, I meant previously wrecked duct taped bumblefuck GTO. MY BAD BRO MY BAD. :dumb:
  5. Paul is a first class Troll, just ignore him and your E-Life will be easier. At least you didn't buy a rebuilt, double gang raped bumblebee GTO.
  6. http://www.safeconcerts.com/images/bank/michael-winslow.jpghttp://popdose.com/wp-content/uploads/hightower.PNG
  7. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=94452&page=3
  8. Lure them out to Mitch's house. They'll die of anal bleeding within the hour.
  9. http://www.girlpants.org/manpants/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/happening2.gif
  10. http://forum.i3d.net/attachments/counter-strike-source/943222736d1297790719-i3d-server-do-you-play-most-css-not-sure-if-troll-just-very-stupid.jpg
  11. http://massmultiverse.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/not_sure_if_serious.jpg
  12. Be Paul, buy twice abused passed around GTO. :gabe:
  13. Not sure if trolling.. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=94658
  14. CR OG Represent. :fuckyeah:
  15. Sadly, you're probably the only other person the thread who remembers that tard. :fa:
  16. Should have have had desperado build it for you. $5000 = 7's all day.
  17. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88247
  18. You've probably forgotten what guns look like yuppieman. Go walk your pomeranian around the block. :dumb: Be Jones, have enough guns to start small armory. :dumb:
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