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Posts posted by CBBaron

  1. Ive done a few MTB rides on my Pugsley but the Endomorphs seemed to wander a bunch on the trail.

    So I just ordered one of these


    For the front. We will see how this hooks up. Im going to try to do more off roading this year as a few trails have opened up closer to Cleveland. Probably try to do Mohican again as that was a lot of fun last time.


  2. Ive been reading up on creating yeast starters for home brews. I have only brewed once, and I way under pitched. (too little yeast)

    How many of you home brewers create a starter, or do you just pitch the yeast straight from the packet?

    I created a starter a couple times.

    I think its necessary when you are doing big beers like imperial stouts and barley wines. For average strength beers Im too lazy and just pitch straight from the packet/tube.

    If you are using dry yeast just buy a second packet for big beers. If you rehydrate the packet according to instruction instead of putting it directly in the wort it will help alot also.

    For liquid yeast make sure your wort and yeast are the same temp before pitching. And use yeast that is fresh, not near or after the expiration date. And make sure you keep both kinds of yeast in the fridge until ready to brew.


  3. How's the front end on the Wee' date=' Craig?[/quote']

    I'm no expert but a couple times I hit a good bump in a turn the front end was anti climatic and the rear bounce so bad it stepped out. So it appears to help quite a bit.

    It did not help when I found a wet rutted hill where the clay acted as lubricant. So I got to pick her up out of the mud :D

    The roads I was on following the sports bikes were in really good shape. But I managed to find plenty that were more interesting.

    Thanks again for the work this spring Paul.

    And thanks for the fun ride guys.


  4. psht, i could shit a better car then what suzuki produced. IF they do remove the bikes that will be a sad day for suzuki folks.

    I had a Geo Metro (rebadged Suzuki swift) in college.

    Got better mpg than a Prius was cheap and had no problems. What more could you want on a tight budget?

    I think the real problem with the American auto market was very limited selection.

    I just hope it's not hard to get parts for my vstrom.


  5. The engineer in me is very excited at the prospect of something this innovative, but the cynic in me thinks that it's too good to be true. Ultimately plentiful energy devices like this have been promised before, so I won't be excited until working prototypes have been put in service and validated.

    Often the problem with some of these innovative energy sources is that the devil is in the details.

    Nuclear fission power is one example. The energy produced is abundant. The raw materials are sufficient given the conversion rates. But waste products are difficult to dispose of and due to safety concerns construction costs and timelines are much worse than originally projected.

    Fusion holds promise but the challenges are huge and the costs to hurdle those may make it unfeasible.


    • Upvote 1
  6. You're behind, I started my indoor plants a month ago.

    Ok, maybe you're good on your timing, my cucumber plants are already flowering :-/

    I would like to change up my peppers from last year, but haven't found any seeds that interest me. I had "habaneros" last year that weren't hot at all.

    My understanding is that much of the difference in heat is due to growing conditions (soils, climate, water, fertilizer)

    Im guessing hotter, drier conditions, probably with less fertilizer will produce fewer but hotter peppers, however you probably want to research that.

    Im lazy and just pick up what ever plants they have available from the local farm market. Due to lots of trees on our small lot the only sun I get in on a small section of flat roof. So I grow my peppers in large pots. Gets me enough for a few batches of fresh salsa and a couple stir frys.


  7. Problem solved and you get new:

    Honda NC700S or NC700X

    You get all that you want in a bike that provides 80MPG but may not be as fast as the SV. Buy it new for $7k msrp

    The NC700 line is a great utility bike but is a significant downgrade in power and handling from the SV. Does not seem to be what the OP was asking for.

    Same reason I wouldnt suggest a Vstrom, though I love mine).


  8. Im late to this thread but like how in this article the writer make a big deal about traffic violations.


    Court records show that Stillwagon has had nine traffic-related convictions in Ohio since 1996, mostly for speeding. At least one conviction was for following another vehicle too closely.

    In 2002 alone, he was convicted of speeding four times, including twice going at least 80 mph on the northern Outerbelt.

    I probably know a dozen people who have worse traffic records (to my knowledge).

    Sounds like he seriously lost it and is going to pay big time for his mistake. The truck driver was being a dumbass also and very nearly paid the ultimate price for his stupidity. Did not hear if he got charged with moving violations which is the least that should have happened.

    When you are in control of a deadly weapon then you have to also remain in control of your temper. Whether that weapon is a truck or gun.


  9. I guess one of the things I want i a bike with a lil more top end, after about 70 MPH in mine the acceleration is kinda dead. I just want my cake and to eat it too haha.

    Really :wtf:

    My vstrom accelerates quick from 70 (down shift for best results) and 80 to 90 in top gear takes just a few seconds. And that is heavier and taller than the SV.

    Maybe it just feels fast to me because I haven't ridden truly fast bikes or cars. My car is a base model Bug and my previous bike a Ninja 250 (now there is a bike with little acceleration after 70 :D).


  10. You havn't out grown the SV as they are way more capable than the vast majority of riders.

    They are one of the more reliable bike available and are low maintenance.

    Tons of aftermarket support for racing or touring.

    A chain and sprocket are fairly minor costs, less than new tires.

    So there is no reason to get rid of the SV except that you want something different. Nothing wrong with that but just be aware of your reasons so you can manage your budget.

    The Vstrom is a great bike. It is more comfortable than the SV650, especially for the passenger and is better on gravel/poor roads. However it is the same motor as the SV in a taller heavier bike. So not an upgrade for performance or handling over the SV650.


    • Upvote 1
  11. My main jacket/pants are Tourmaster Transition 2 and Caliber. Claimed waterproof and not bad at that either. But on a long fast ride with rain water finds its way in at several locations. If it warm, no problem. But if its cool/cold it gets hard to stay warm. The jacket has a number of large vents that are great when its hot and dry but are not quite fully water proof when its raining hard and you are doing 60.

    I picked up a 2 piece rain suit on closeout to have when the weather is questionable and I will be riding a long time. Provides and extra layer of dry and warm.

    I have a couple pair of waterproof gloves , however when its raining hard the water will run down your jacket in to the gloves (large outside the jacket gauntlets). I would imagine if I went over the gloves with the jacket then at speed some water would get it that way.

    I used some Nikwax on my full leather gloves. While it did not make them waterproof, it keeps them soft and flexible when they dry again after I forgot to bring water proof gloves on vacation last year. :(

    My boots are water proof (A* Ridge). They work fine as long as I can keep the pants over the boots. Due to my long inseam that has been difficult when riding. The rain pants help because they have a strap that goes under the boots to keep the pants down.

    I have not seen a rubber glove that would go over my XXL armored gloves. Where do you find such a thing?


  12. Hyundai has come a long way. I remember a friend of mine having one in the late 90's @ Ft. Riley, and it was basically plastic on 4 wheels.

    Drove a late 80s Excel in college.

    It was cheap, felt flimbsy, was noisy on the road, exhausting to drive, a pain to work on and utterly reliable. :)

    When I went back to get an advanced degree I drove a Geo Metro, and despite being considerably smaller it was a much more solid car and got incredible mpg (50). Only downside was handling. It was scary at highway speeds.

    That Veloster is a nice looking car. Im sure the Hyndai's of today are much improved from those early ones, and they were not bad for reliability.


  13. They need to put at least the 450's in them for the US market, IMHO. I don't have any interest in a 225/ 250.

    Owned an SMC625 for a year, and it vibrated so much that it blurred my vision. Other than that it was a great hooligan bike (far beyond my capabilities).

    Im not sure a 450 is required, and you wont see any Japanese manufacturer put an MX 450 in a street legal machine. The maintenance intervals are not what most street riders will want to do.

    The 250 power plants in the WR250R and CRF250L are pretty decent street engines. The CRF power plant even comes from a "sport bike".

    However even the KTM 690 and Husky TE610 supermotos have disappeared recently.


  14. What has happened to all of the street legal supermotos all of a sudden?

    A couple years ago Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, KTM and Husky all had a model available. Seems for 2013 only the Suzuki DRZ400SM is left.

    I know you can make your own from a dual sport. Or if you want better performance start from an off-road bike. But the ready made street legal bikes were a nice choice for a light, fun, easy to ride street bike. Without them on the showroom floors now, there wont be many used models available on the market in a few years. :(

    I rode a rented DRZ400sm around Deal's Gap last summer and it was a great bike for the conditions. Definitely a ton of fun. Im disappointed that the style seems to be disappearing.

    Sorry for the semi rant.


  15. My bikes got all kinds of scratches already (from dropping it while trying to pretend it is an off-road bike :D). Id take the free service :)

    However if my bike was pristine I'd want a new fairing.



    Read the most recent posts. Wow, that is an annoying delay. Glad its finally resolved.

    PS Paul don't be getting sloppy working on my bike just because I wouldn't notice one more scratch or nick :D

  16. Im pleased with the stock seat. I add a sheepskin for longer rides to provide a little more breathing but otherwise cant complain.

    However Suzuki makes (or made) 4 different seats that fit the Vstrom. The stock 650 seat is the lowest followed by the gel, the stock DL1000 seat is a little taller and the "Tall Touring saddle" is the tallest and has the most padding. Sounds like a Tall Touring saddle may help some for you if only because it is taller.

    Russel Day Longs are ugly as hell but are usualy considered the most comfortable.

    I havnt tried anything but the stock DL650 seat so cant comment on the others.


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