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Posts posted by Red

  1. welcome red -- hope you get that bike you are talking about soon. riding on the back only goes so far. at some point, a girl has to drive.

    Thanks. I've had my license for over a year now but haven't rode since then other than on the back. I need a refresher course too.

  2. What are you thinking of getting?

    I'm pretty partial to the new CrossBones but I might have to settle for something a little cheaper. I also like the Honda Fury but it doesn't have the rumble. I like loud pipes, chrome, and apehangers! ;-)

  3. Since this is my first winter here I might do the fuel stabilizer but i plan on riding as long as there is no snow so i am not to worried about much else. I will however change my water weter so the bike has no chance of freezing up. If you keep your bike clean as most of us and lube the chain every two weeks then that is no problem either. My tires never last more then one and a half seasons anyway so i dont much worry about rot and it takes a long ass time for tires to dry rot anyway. I hell of a lot longer then two years. Plus i have left my bike for six month cruises and never had a problem with tires before. Definately need a battery tender of some sort. Plus start and run the bike even if you are not going to ride it. Keeps the oil where it should be and not in the crank case the whole winter. All good stuff though. I just have to talk RED into letting me keep my bike in the garage and not in the enclosed trailer but that means her truck has to stay outside and i don't think i can win that battle.

    :lol:Nope don't think so.

  4. I signed back in July and the landlord's story was that the previous renter left the place a disaster and that she would have it srsly cleaned before I moved in - which is what would be expected. Also promised the bathroom renovations would be complete the saturday before I moved in. It has officially been 12 days since I moved in and its still not done.

    The previous renter left in the middle of his lease, left a huge mess, clothes in the closet, etc, so I dumbly assumed he was the problem... now I see why he moved. My landlord has resorted to calling me names and trying to demean me... I'm strongly considering moving... this is a bit much even for me.

    PLUS, the apartment is HUGE, beautiful woodwork, awesome neighborhood, 100ft from my place of employment... generally sweet... in my opinion, totally incompetent landlord though.

    Well that's a tough one. If you really like the place and where it's at then I would put in a toilet and clean it up, recording everything of course, and then not pay rent for a month or two. But then again if the landlord is calling you names for her lack of duties and demeaning you then I would find another place to live, period. Or just put a shit bomb in her mailbox! :D

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