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Alex L.

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Everything posted by Alex L.

  1. What happened to Jessi and Lou? It seems every time I tune in to Powerblock, they've got some new person talking to me.
  2. No worse than that 42R powered DSM that runs around Columbus. 5k-10k powerband, I could live with that.
  3. I also carry turbo upgrades for your car.
  4. I concur. Never know how big a 91mm is until you see one in person.
  5. Welcome to CR. I've got a pretty nice catalog full of all kinds of coilovers and springs for your car. Let me know if you'd be interested.
  6. I just dismantled my dirtbike. I'll be ordering another frame shortly so I can continue my riding shenanigans.
  7. I am Sheeba, you may remember me from my books "Once Upon a Midnight Moon" and "The Hitchhiker's Guide to not Getting Raped".
  8. Alex L.

    Saturday 10/24

    And then we played find the Volvo.
  9. If you do get one, let me know if you'd need parts for a discounted price in return for putting a BPA sticker on it.
  10. Alex L.

    Saturday 10/24

    I am not buying for anyone but myself, what makes you think I suddenly came into money?
  11. Alex L.

    Saturday 10/24

    Anybody else planning on coming out? We'll be in the warmth and for fucks sake, it's only a wee bit of cold.
  12. Alex L.

    Saturday 10/24

    Brian, you heard right. Little bit more expensive but it's been rated best burger and fries multiple times. Zac, do it. :nod:
  13. Alex L.

    Saturday 10/24

    Usually every Saturday night. I'll give you my # if you ever want to shoot me a text and see what's going on.
  14. Alex L.

    Saturday 10/24

    Do some shit for Debs and Glenn and get paid for it. Can't get a regular job due to school and sports right now, so I do manual labor up in the family woods (dad owns 24 acres).
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