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Alex L.

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Everything posted by Alex L.

  1. Not chopping anything, building it all sexy like.
  2. That's a nice classic look. I like something a little more brutish while still retaining some classic flair.
  3. http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/9868/dsc0012fs.jpg Shit yes.
  4. Small update, but I scored a Mine's strut bar that clears the Garrett masterfully: http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/537842_4937001696765_625868738_n.jpg http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/554187_4936999936721_189883040_n.jpg
  5. I read the entire manifesto and found it very interesting. It read less like the ramblings of a psychopath and more like a broken man's explanation.
  6. Yeah, I didn't think you'd agree to show.
  7. Avoid the black shirt, solely white letters idea, as anyone can do that and there's nothing that comes close to making your product definitive. A more mature design needs to be implemented, but those you listed almost seem too conservative to me. It's really tough to get the right mix of design and conservation. Depending on which route you want to take with the company, it might be a consideration to put some time in and write a back story to a novelistic speed shop, then sell products similar to this: http://i.ebayimg.com/t/MENS-BIKER-MECHANIC-WORKSHIRT-Rusty-Nuts-Auto-Shop-USED-PARTS-M-XL-2X-3X-4X-5X-/00/s/MTYwMFgxMjAw/$(KGrHqRHJE8FD(Hf(C7)BQ2gk+WV!g~~60_57.JPG Or you could just go with badass, simple designs that catch people's eyes: http://i.ebayimg.com/t/PANDA-IMPACT-MECHANIC-T-SHIRT-MAZDA-HONDA-NISSAN-TOYOTA-DRIFTING-TURBO-Cute-/00/s/NzQ3WDg2NA==/z/xrgAAMXQRDxREG1Q/$(KGrHqN,!hcFC80Il!t9BREG1PfQUg~~60_57.JPG http://i.ebayimg.com/t/BATTLE-FOR-BOOST-TSHIRT-WANKEL-TURBO-ROTARY-ENGINE-MAZDA-RX7-RX8-RX2-12A-13B-20B-/00/s/NTAwWDUwMA==/z/xbMAAOxyq5NRC0aE/$T2eC16R,!y0E9s2S6c10BRC0,!plb!~~60_12.JPG http://i.ebayimg.com/t/1987-Porsche-944-Turbo-Grey-T-shirt-S-M-L-XL-XXL-/00/s/ODAwWDgwMA==/z/h7cAAOxyOBJRDY3U/$T2eC16J,!)sE9swm(wBWBRDY3UHEKQ~~60_3.JPG One of the biggest things to remember is association is key: people LOVE to be walking billboards for just about anything. If you can come up with a product of your own that fulfills people's need to advertise, most of the battle's already won.
  8. Matt, you just went from a D to an F-. I'm not sure how an F- is possible, but somehow you managed.
  9. Matt, you just went from a D to an F-. I don't know how an F- is possible, but somehow you managed.
  10. You're currently at a D: I can understand you, but I still you're stupid. The overuse of ellipses, particularly using them as commas, is improper and makes me think you're stupid. It's nice that, in your two responses to the above posts, your spelling and grammar has significantly improved. While I don't care about the content of your sentences right now, their structure has significantly improved. There's hope for you yet.
  11. You're currently at a D: I can understand you, but I still you're stupid. The overuse of ellipses, particularly using them as commas, is improper and makes me think you're stupid. It's nice that, in your two responses to the above posts, your spelling and grammar has significantly improved. While I don't care about the content of your sentences right now, their structure has significantly improved. There's hope for you yet.
  12. I can start grading your grammar if that's what it takes. You really should care about how your grammar is in any instance (you know for communication, point conveyance, all that good shit).
  13. If I offer you online grammar classes, will you oblige to them?
  14. I'm with old man Turner here.
  15. I can get you one through Vibrant. Let me know if you're interested, will be quite a bit cheaper than Burns.
  16. Never store anything you value in a trailer, might as well put a bow on it for thieves.
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