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Alex L.

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Everything posted by Alex L.

  1. Alex L.


    Is that the name of some fucked up children's book?
  2. Need we resurrect the Chuck Norris jokes?
  3. I want one of those Cobras.
  4. This thread needs multiple sets of joggs to offset the meat already featured. :nws: :nws: :nws: :nws: :nws: http://www.thesultanofsmut.com/porn/perfect-young-boobs/perfect-young-boobs.jpg http://images3.bangbros.com/bigtitsroundasses/shoots/btra1054/t1/big1.jpg http://images2.bangbros.com/bigtitsroundasses/shoots/btra1111/t1/big1.jpg lulz http://www.myboobsite.com/photos/aneta_tits_on_glass.jpg http://www.cumcruise.com/big_tits_round_ass/big_tits_round_ass_photos/big_round_tits_03.jpg Rep me bitches.
  5. Car is secks. It looks like it needs a set of coilovers though. I've got 14 different types of coilovers in my catalog for your V-Dub if you're interested.
  6. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y59/14biggy/4l5eb78.gif
  7. Tim, terribly sorry to hear about this. If there's anything I can do, you have my number.
  8. You would be a drag on the group with a 65%. We could use you as bait in order to eliminate the imminent undead threat. Propane bomb them, DOTD style.
  9. And even the schoolchildren know Phil is a gay.
  10. Packie, that looks tits. Absolutely tits.
  11. I need to get to that locale. Tis tits.
  12. This was not worth noting either. It could possibly be a little bit less homorific if Spongebob wasn't involved, but that's not the case. This commercial likes more dick than Elton John.
  13. I think he was looking for a "nice cock".
  14. Sounds like a very productive and reputable member of society.
  15. Where the hell are those waterfalls? I want to take pics there.
  16. I tried to get my mom to buy them once in the sportswear store that carries them by yelling "But mom, they're made in Germany, and you KNOW the Germans make good stuff!!!" Didn't fucking work. James, where the hell was your pimp hand in that situation?
  17. Comin' in MY thread, throwin' BULLSHIT statistics around.....how dare you. I should send a mob after you.
  18. As Billy Joel once said, "Only the good die young".
  19. 7M and 2JZ are two completely different animals.
  20. We'll see how long I last with the stock HG and fuel. I've got the stock clutch for now. Going to drive with it for a bit until it gets to be too bad and then upgrade.
  21. I came into this thread hoping it wasn't that video. Now I'm fucking pissed, and there will be hell to pay.
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